Polish Roo with bad eye


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 29, 2013
NE Oklahoma
Hello BYC lovers, I am new to chickens and online forums, but have been searching old and new post for all the information regarding chickens since April. However, I ignorantly bought 2 frizzles, 1 bantam roo, and 1 polish crested roo. Needless to say two of the four are sick, but thanks to BYC I knew enough to quarantine them. The polish roo has yellow stuff stuck to one of his eyes. I have started tylan 50 on all 4 chickens, 1/4ml everyday since yesterday and will continue for week or so. The polish roo had what I assume poop on his crest of head feathers and am wondering if he has poop in his eye. It is only one eye and the side where poop was matted in his hair. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Ugly image if it comes through?

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I really could use some advice on helping this chicken. Maybe I didn't explain his condition well enough. The stuff on his eye is not crusted over but more like a film stuck to his whole eye. He does not sneeze, wheeze or cough, but occasionally has water hanging from his beak, He shakes his head a lot reminding me of an infection which is why I started the tylan 50. Thought it might me eye worm and tried to squeeze the stuff of his eye but only a very small layer of stuff came off. One of my adorable frizzles, wheezes, coughs, and sneezes but not all day long. I have done the same for her as well. Yesterday I dusted all of them with 5% seven dust for any lice or mites, but not sure how long to continue? Please help, this is my first experience with sick chickens.
that bird looks like it has a severe eye infection.
It is probably a foreign object that has made a puncture and caused the infection or it is a case of severe coryza.
Either way you need to remove the infected pussy mass.
Get some hot water and add some mild disinfectant, salt if you have nothing else.
wash the eye thoroughly with this and with a q tip, gently raise the eye lid until you can work the mass out.
Chickens do not have pus like mammals do, it becomes a cheesy hard mass and cannot be eliminated.
When you have removed the mass, gently wash again and give a broad spectrum antibiotic...ask your vet for some.
If you are not squeamish, inject, if not, get some oral solution.
Either way, do it now...this is very painful.
chickens have three eyelids,upper,lower and the nictitating membrane. This nictitating membrane may be what is over his eye,it is transparent,the purpose is to protect and moisten eye. He may have an infection in one of the eyelids,you can use an eye antibiotic,i use polysporin 2 antibiotic eye ointment for sties on my birds for eye issues.
Thank you both for your advice. I will try again with the hot washcloth and salt, then follow up with q tip and triple antibiotic ointment.
Update on my craigslist chickens, what a hard, hard lesson learned. After tending to the polish chicken pictured for 3 days without success, making numerous phone calls to vets, and university vets, it has been recommended to me to cull him and have a necresopy (sp) done on him. I absolutely dread this, I purchased these 4 chickens; 2 female frizzles, 1 bantam rooster and the crested polish for the variety they would bring into our little farm of chickens. Instead as hard lessons are learned I must not risk my entire flock of 27 RIR. They are starting to lay well and have been healthy since they were incubated and hatched by me. Certainly dreading tomorrow. Again, thank you for all the advice I received on trying to save these little ones. :(
Are you sure there is still an eye in there it almost looks like the eye is gone to me. It could have lost it eye some how and there is an infection in it because of that.

see how my polish eye is even with the eye lid and yours is not that is why i think the eye might be gone
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Awe, thanks for the pic. I do see it differently now that I can compare yours to mine. Will definitely get a pic asap. Thank you so much for taking your time to help me.
Awe, thanks for the pic. I do see it differently now that I can compare yours to mine. Will definitely get a pic asap. Thank you so much for taking your time to help me.

no, problem i love polish they are lovely birds. Hope it is not sick it would be hard to put one down i couldn't do it. Is that polish bearded? because if is not then im not so sure it is a him how old is it?
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Really, I just assumed he was a roo because his hair is long, but I really don't know too much about Polish breeds. Just what I have researched It is rather small so maybe he is a SHE! LOL :he. I know what you mean about having to put one down, they are so beautiful and this one is very friendly, although daily eye care is turning it against me. lol

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