Polish Roo with bad eye

here are some of mine so you have a references hens have round feathers in there top hats and roos have long skinny ones. Yours looks more rooish on the other thred it is hard to tell when it is wet. but it doesn't have much red to its skin so that made me wonder but bearded polish roo are not always red as nonbeard so it could still be a roo.






ROO on the brick HEN on the ground This is my only beared roo and he has a red face.

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Oh your chickens are just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. I'm just fascinated by the polish breed and have so much to learn. Going by how you described your hens and roos, mine must be a roo. His feathers are mostly pointed, no red face at all and definitely not bearded. I upped the tylan to 1/2 ml tonight so keeping my fingers crossed.

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