Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Question for all, do you ever have polish hens go broody, I know it's not the norm, but maybe in some older more pure lines this might happen.

Anyone on here with breeding stock for show quality polish birds? Serious responses preffered.

My Buff laced.
Question for all, do you ever have polish hens go broody, I know it's not the norm, but maybe in some older more pure lines this might happen.

Anyone on here with breeding stock for show quality polish birds? Serious responses preffered.
I have one Polish hen who went broody once. She and her rooster are from show lines. She went broody when she had just turned one, and she's four now. Never offered to since.
My SL Polish hen is the alpha hen in with a Barred Rock and RIR. I have plenty of LF breeds mixed with my Polish and they do just fine. I do know however they do have low hatch rates because of the vaulted skulls. Out 6 I set in may only one hatched. And she is doing well.

It's good to hear of Polish success stories. They are adorable. The SL Polish are my favorite but they are all gorgeous - I think the White Crested Black are cute to watch too. Unfortunately in our small cottage backyard we weren't successful mixing dual purpose LF with our gentle Ameraucana and Silkies. My folks raised Leghorns and I love them for so many reasons but they become assertive toward gentler or smaller breeds and we had to re-home them to a layer flock where they are equally matched. Had to re-home our Marans too and she was the most vicious of the LF. We just keep gentle breeds now with our Silkies. I've had RIR, NHR, White Legs, Buff Leg, Marans, and our friends had LF 'Orps, 'Lorps, Javas, BCMs, Marans, OEs and out of all our breeds we decided the Ameraucanas were the best LF to be kind toward their flockmates. Our Silkies surprised us as good layers for a bantam breed and their eggs have been 1.25 oz size. Since going with gentle breeds we've had no issues with bullying. Since re-homing our white egg layer Leghorns I was researching Polish among other gentle breeds and finally settled on the smallish gentle Breda to add to our flock. We aren't getting a bunch of Lrg or XL eggs but then there's only two of us in the household so we don't need a lot of eggs.
It's good to hear of Polish success stories. They are adorable. The SL Polish are my favorite but they are all gorgeous - I think the White Crested Black are cute to watch too. Unfortunately in our small cottage backyard we weren't successful mixing dual purpose LF with our gentle Ameraucana and Silkies. My folks raised Leghorns and I love them for so many reasons but they become assertive toward gentler or smaller breeds and we had to re-home them to a layer flock where they are equally matched. Had to re-home our Marans too and she was the most vicious of the LF. We just keep gentle breeds now with our Silkies. I've had RIR, NHR, White Legs, Buff Leg, Marans, and our friends had LF 'Orps, 'Lorps, Javas, BCMs, Marans, OEs and out of all our breeds we decided the Ameraucanas were the best LF to be kind toward their flockmates. Our Silkies surprised us as good layers for a bantam breed and their eggs have been 1.25 oz size. Since going with gentle breeds we've had no issues with bullying. Since re-homing our white egg layer Leghorns I was researching Polish among other gentle breeds and finally settled on the smallish gentle Breda to add to our flock. We aren't getting a bunch of Lrg or XL eggs but then there's only two of us in the household so we don't need a lot of eggs.
i have found my araucanas are fine with them also, i also had some australorps out with mine and no issues

Yes I've had a polish go broody, a gold lace frizzle one.


She has done a good job too, I put 5 eggs under her and she broke one the first time she got up to eat and drink but other than that she did a good job.





I hatched her last year from eggs from show quality parent birds. She's not show quality though.
Random question. Are polish more susceptible to bumble foot. I'm having a terrible time healing there feet. It's only my polish that have it. Unfortunatly they had it when I bought them.
It's good to hear of Polish success stories.  They are adorable.  The SL Polish are my favorite but they are all gorgeous - I think the White Crested Black are cute to watch too.   Unfortunately in our small cottage backyard we weren't successful mixing dual purpose LF with our gentle Ameraucana and Silkies. My folks raised Leghorns and I love them for so many reasons but they become assertive toward gentler or smaller breeds and we had to re-home them to a layer flock where they are equally matched. Had to re-home our Marans too and she was the most vicious of the LF.  We just keep gentle breeds now with our Silkies.  I've had RIR, NHR, White Legs, Buff Leg, Marans, and our friends had LF 'Orps, 'Lorps, Javas, BCMs, Marans, OEs and out of all our breeds we decided the Ameraucanas were the best LF to be kind toward their flockmates.   Our Silkies surprised us as good layers for a bantam breed and their eggs have been 1.25 oz size.  Since going with gentle breeds we've had no issues with bullying.  Since re-homing our white egg layer Leghorns I was researching Polish among other gentle breeds and finally settled on the smallish gentle Breda to add to our flock.  We aren't getting a bunch of Lrg or XL eggs but then there's only two of us in the household so we don't need a lot of eggs.

I want to get a few more polish hens for my roo. He only has the one but he is good to her. I do want to add a BCM and an OE to my laying flock.
It's good to hear of Polish success stories. They are adorable. The SL Polish are my favorite but they are all gorgeous - I think the White Crested Black are cute to watch too. Unfortunately in our small cottage backyard we weren't successful mixing dual purpose LF with our gentle Ameraucana and Silkies. My folks raised Leghorns and I love them for so many reasons but they become assertive toward gentler or smaller breeds and we had to re-home them to a layer flock where they are equally matched. Had to re-home our Marans too and she was the most vicious of the LF. We just keep gentle breeds now with our Silkies. I've had RIR, NHR, White Legs, Buff Leg, Marans, and our friends had LF 'Orps, 'Lorps, Javas, BCMs, Marans, OEs and out of all our breeds we decided the Ameraucanas were the best LF to be kind toward their flockmates. Our Silkies surprised us as good layers for a bantam breed and their eggs have been 1.25 oz size. Since going with gentle breeds we've had no issues with bullying. Since re-homing our white egg layer Leghorns I was researching Polish among other gentle breeds and finally settled on the smallish gentle Breda to add to our flock. We aren't getting a bunch of Lrg or XL eggs but then there's only two of us in the household so we don't need a lot of eggs.

I have a mixed flock at my backyard, well, my polish chickens are just 4 months old youngsters, so I don't have long experience with them, but my original flock was silkies & buff brahmas, then I added some dual purpose breeds, Rhode Island Red, White Maran, Australorp and Barred Plymouth. This spring I added these 3 polish hens, couple more Silkies and some Easter Eggers, Cochin bantam and Sultan. (unfortunately my blue silkie and cochin are roosters, so they will be re-homed)

It looks like all the crested breeds are very good together and bantam easter eggers too. My RIR and Maran are sometimes nasty, but after we built an extension to the run, everything seem to be ok. We added a lot of "hiding places" and natural covers for all chickens (branches, bushes, some old barrel cotes, wood pallet shelters etc) so if there is quarrel, gentler and lower-pecking-order birds can escape from the fight too. Let's see what happens when my Polish Rooster is adult.. and new girls laying. Hormones, they make everything so tricky...

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