Pond setups for ducks


8 Years
May 14, 2012
i know some of you keep your ducks just fine without a pond but i have been building a pen around my pond and wanted some ideas, i figured someone might show me some cool set ups they have =]

my ducks are call ducks pond is about 6 ft long

so far all i can think to plant are
duck weed
Sago pondweed
helens water hyacinth
Maybe call ducks are different, but my biggest take is how are you going to keep it clean? With a small pool or tub you can empty it and clean it out. With a pond the ducks will crap in it, and still be swimming in it and drinking from it. They'll also rip up and eat what you plant. So, within a few weeks your lovely swimming pond will be a poop-saturated mud hole.

If the pond had an inflow/outflow set up (maybe water diverted from a river or stream that flowed into the pond and a way for it to flow out of the pod back to the source), that would be one thing. But a relatively permanent small body of standing, stagnant water is something different.
Maybe call ducks are different, but my biggest take is how are you going to keep it clean? With a small pool or tub you can empty it and clean it out. With a pond the ducks will crap in it, and still be swimming in it and drinking from it. They'll also rip up and eat what you plant. So, within a few weeks your lovely swimming pond will be a poop-saturated mud hole.

If the pond had an inflow/outflow set up (maybe water diverted from a river or stream that flowed into the pond and a way for it to flow out of the pod back to the source), that would be one thing. But a relatively permanent small body of standing, stagnant water is something different.
my folks made it with natural filtration so it does have an inflow and and out
No tips here, I used to have a pond like you're describing and my waterfowl made quick work of destroying it.
I would suggest a strong pump, that can't get easily clogged.
Also, they will eat/play with most of the pond plants, so pick things that will spread quickly to help with filtration.
constant running water? Sounds awesome i wish i had one!
I have a pond like that for my ducks, I have 6 ducks, it’s about 8,000 gallons of water. Maybe I have some pics of it...

ah here’s one. That is a quarter of the pond but it’s shoes the waterfall (which the waterfall is bigger But it got cut out)
I don’t know what plants got planted in the pond because my boyfriend planted them, but he got them at petsmart. OH, you know what, I bought a live lily pad at petsmart and you plant it under water and after a while it sprouts up! I have over 5 big-small lily pads.
I’m not sure if I helped, but if I did, great! :D
I have a 40ft by 50 ft pond. I've never had any problems with the ducks damaging it a course its bigger. Does your'e pond have dirt bottom or plastic? Overtime they will expand the pond so some sort of liner or rock material to help erosion would be recommended.Plants as a natural filtration system would be a great idea just trying to keep the plants in one piece is the hard part.

I have a 40ft by 50 ft pond. I've never had any problems with the ducks damaging it a course its bigger. Does your'e pond have dirt bottom or plastic? Overtime they will expand the pond so some sort of liner or rock material to help erosion would be recommended.Plants as a natural filtration system would be a great idea just trying to keep the plants in one piece is the hard part.

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plastic liner we used to have it as a koi pond and that was the easiest to maintain good to know its good for ducks as well we have pond baskets so i am hoping to put some lilly pads in there i know duckweed is a good one because that survived a koi onslaught and i was reading on the other two i mentioned and they seemed like good options i am debating putting our back up filter back in sounds like i should and should add some small fish for the ducks to munch on
My ducks eat duckweed like crazy. I tried lily pads in the pond before but they poke at the water droplets on top of the lily pads and end up destroying them, But its worth a try.

Good luck!

plastic liner we used to have it as a koi pond and that was the easiest to maintain good to know its good for ducks as well we have pond baskets so i am hoping to put some lilly pads in there i know duckweed is a good one because that survived a koi onslaught and i was reading on the other two i mentioned and they seemed like good options i am debating putting our back up filter back in sounds like i should and should add some small fish for the ducks to munch on

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