Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

Ok, so my first coop was done without poop boards-I simply loaded up the floor with sand figuring that would be easy enough to sift the poop out of. Well, the plan sounded good in theory but I found it didn't work so good in reality. Don't get me wrong, the poop scoops out of the sand BUT- the sand SMELLS even after the poop is gone. Also, it is a dusty mess while scooping and I need to take frequent breaks just to breath fresh air. Still better though than changing out shavings weekly (I don't like DLM). So when we built our 2nd coop we decided to try poop boards
WOW, what a difference. We built a waist high shelf and then added a lip all around and filled it with Sweet PDZ, LOVE IT!!!! I simply sift the poop up every day or two but you certainly can leave it longer if you had to. The Sweet PDZ keeps it from smelling at all. And the best part- NO DUST when scooping. It's almost like sifting flour. It is very zen like to clean and I tend to get carried away and make designs for my girls ( I know, I have issues
) Anyway, thought I would share my experience and of course some pics
Chicken dumb here....I guess I'm confused, do the chickens poop ONLY on the poop boards & NOT on the floor of the coop?
I picked 8" centered on a 24" board... I don't remember if I had a good reason or not<shrugs> and made the roosts removable.
BUT...it has worked out perfect for getting my sifting basket under there without removing roosts,
well and I also use a short handled hoe to reach under to pull it all forward to sift.

Too high a roost over board could cause poops to miss board.

We did 30" wide tables because I wanted to do a double roost on each table and they had 30" wide 1/4 stall mat to put on top of the plywood at the feed store. Works out pretty well. I did two parallel 2x4's about 6" apart in the middle of the table, and figured a foot in either direction to keep the poop on the table. It has worked out very well. Easy for everyone to hop from spot to spot or duck under the bars until they find a happy place. The 8" or so seemed to be a "hop-able" height, and as aart mentioned, easy to clean underneath.

Do you have any trouble with the 6" spacing?
Seems kinda close to use the full length of both roosts?

I didn't design it with the intention of both bars being fully occupied the entire length, otherwise, you're right, that would have been way too close. One of these night's I'll have to take a picture.

After having a single bar in the brooder coop area and all the flapping and "thuds" from someone getting knocked off for one reason or another- sometimes I watched two chickens that just HAD to be next to each other crawling over, under and knocking other birds off so they could be together, or the 'boss' pecking someone just because she could ...

I did 2 bars close enough for them to step or hop easily to get where they wanted to go, no wings needed to make the 6" distance, without displacing anyone else, and of course, the option of escaping under the roosts on the table. When I've got broody raised chicks that are getting weaned, this design works well because they can beat a fast retreat when mom (or someone else) tells them to take a hike.

Those last few days when a broody is teaching them about going up to the roost, I've got a little mini table set up where the chicks can start perching near her, and for the ones who still want to burrow underneath, there's enough room to accomplish that too without anyone falling. The adults liked it so much that I've left it up. I guess it's a little like sitting on a public bus with different configurations.

They also use the front and sides of the table edges to roost, and there are 4 separate roosting areas (some not pictured) in the coop. The other nice thing about the spacing it is during the summer they can still be close, but they'll pack themselves kinda like shoes in a box on down the roost and the fan moves the air between them-- instead of being on a single bar wing-to-wing.

Here's a picture of the broody using the mini-table, then later when their nanny took over chick comforting duties:

Do you have any trouble with the 6" spacing?
Seems kinda close to use the full length of both roosts?

Here are some pictures from tonight of the main tables- Three pictures taken in succession before and after I opened the windows for the first almost warm night in eons.

All the moves happened with almost no fuss. The lowest girls of course get the obligatory peck but movement around the roost is very easy. Nobody had to flap their wings or got pushed off. There are 6 others on 2 off-camera perches.

First: when I opened the door:

Second: you can see the Buff made it from the other corner under the roosts to beg for treats when she saw me.

Third: I opened the windows. They all got out of the way for me to open the one behind the roost, and they reshuffled with little fuss.

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I had a small pre-fabricated coop for my 4 hens and their 2 roosts were close together. I initially started with wood shavings which ended up falling through some small spaces in the slat floor. I then changed to straw and tried a little bit of the deep litter method in winter which was okay but when it got warmer it was a messy daily chore of cleaning. I couldn't put poop boards in cuz of the small size of the coop. I ended up buying hard plastic placemats at the dollar store and put it under the roosts. This has worked so nicely. I pull them out, pour poop into bag and then wipe clean as necessary. I increased my flock to 6 chickens so I got a larger coop--a wooden 4 ft x 4ft x 4 ft child's play house that a neighbor was getting rid of. I made a base covered it with cheap linoleum and then started using sand, and I still use the plastic placemats! Easy reach in-reach out, easy to clean and sanitize, inexpensive to replace, and only rarely do they poop in a place other than the mats. I honestly think they may be aiming for the trolls and Darth Maul on the placemats.
For those that have use BOTH Powder and Granuals.
1) Which is better (less dusty)
2)What other reason do you prefer one over the other

3) Anyone use it in the floor of the coop alone (no sand and or no/very little shavings ?

OH, and WHO used it as KITTY LITTER ??? Did it work ?

Sorry I read 45 pages and then the last 4 pages..

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