Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

You know, I've been using hardwood fuel pellets, that I soak and break down into sawdust... It doesn't seem extraordinarily dusty... I wonder if hardwood sawdust is heavier than pine sawdust, and if that's the difference. I only have the 7 hens, but I spend all of 10 minutes at the coop each morning for maintenance... That includes feeding, watering, cleaning the coop, putting all my "tools" away, and collecting any eggs that were laid before I got out there.



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I'm chicken challenged and designing my first chicken coop, so please ignore any stupid questions. I over think EVERYTHING and I have a question about the "poop trays" under the roosts. In my designing phase I've considered attaching the poop trays under each roost but attached TO THE ROOST itself like chained to each end of it. The roost board of course being attached to the coop itself, but the "poop tray" attached at the ends with something swingable. I'm thinking if the "poop catching/snatching tray" is hanging freely below the roost board, then if they tried to roost on the poop tray itself it's just going to swing away when they land on it, so they may not like swinging when trying to land on it. Trying to avoid them roosting on the poop tray in any way, thus poo'ing right beside it and onto the bottom of the pen......or someone else's head, while trying to catch as much poo as possible in the poop snatcher.
Am I crazy ???
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Hmm...that's a tough one. I think a swinging board could deter them from perching at all- how would they access the perch above the swinging board?

Most birds naturally want to perch as high as possible so if there is a perch above that poop board they will get up on it.

Another benefit I find is them walking on the poop board itself to get to the roost- they tend to kick out a little PDZ and freshen up my shavings on the floor in the process.

Good luck designing your first coop- YOU WILL DO GREAT!

Hmm...that's a tough one. I think a swinging board could deter them from perching at all- how would they access the perch above the swinging board?

Most birds naturally want to perch as high as possible so if there is a perch above that poop board they will get up on it.

Another benefit I find is them walking on the poop board itself to get to the roost- they tend to kick out a little PDZ and freshen up my shavings on the floor in the process.

Good luck designing your first coop- YOU WILL DO GREAT!

Whyyyyyy.....I'm going to train them to skip the swingy thing and land only the board....similar to the trick of covering it all like a cat, then moving on to toilet training. Thanks for the help !!
Whenever I try to design for some expected chicken behavior, they thwart me, and the outcome is not as I had planned. Now, I do NOT believe that they are smarter, I believe that they do not use logic, at least not as people do....

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