Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

Is there any reason why we shouldn't be using kitty litter instead of PDZ? My husband bought non-clumping Paws and Claws kitty litter at TSC and we are using that. Anyone had any trouble with this?
sweet PDZ is zeolite only, no chemicals that would be harmful when ingested, and works like grit if ingested. Mine ingest it all the time and dust bathe in it, not sure cat litter would be as safe. PDZ is a great cat litter as well.
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Oh, and, pullet poops are cute and nothing compared to adult chicken poops.
Duly noted! Will be glad to have the PDZ before they stop being cute
Is there any reason why we shouldn't be using kitty litter instead of PDZ? My husband bought non-clumping Paws and Claws kitty litter at TSC and we are using that. Anyone had any trouble with this?
I would say to absolutely not use cat litter.

What I could find online quickly is that this brand is clay based, not good for baby chicks to eat.
And who knows what else is in it!
Well a fair number of cat litters have a fragrances, chemicals ,and dust that can cause a number of problems not to mention most of the time it's made of clay and i don't know what that would do to your bird when they ate it. but if you are going to do it get a litter that is fragrance and dust free or "low" as they would label it on the box
Thanks all, I will tell my husband the responses and next time we are at TSC will pick up the PDZ again.
I cannot wait until the one they are building about 6 miles away is done!

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