Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

A colander is a great idea! My kitty scooper works pretty well, but I do lose some poop. I use a dustpan, too, and then dump it into the compost bin. I have only have two Pullets, so there's not that much to clean, and they poop in the same spot under their roost every night, but PDZ is awesome. I don't know that I'll ever go through my shavings now. I also put some PDZ in the cat litter box, as well as the dogs' sand box because our little old kitty doesn't quite grasp that it's not a litter box. I may be new to chickens, but I wish I had discovered PDZ a long time ago.
How does it work in the cat box?
Do you use all PDZ or just mix some in with your regular litter...(what kind of litter if mixed)?
How does it work in the cat box?
Do you use all PDZ or just mix some in with your regular litter...(what kind of litter if mixed)?
I mix it. The litter I use is Feline Pine. It's essentially pine pellets. What's odd about it is that the urine disappears. It turns the pellets to dust, but the litter box never gets heavy. The litter box doesn't really smell unless I go too long between changing, and the PDZ helps with that (allows me to be a little lazy!). When we had two cats, I really could have used the PDZ, but it still helps keep odors down. It was on another board that someone recommended it.
Excellent ideas and tips! I'll be "borrowing" these ideas come this Fall when I get my new coop. Thank you so much for the excellent info!
I'm in the process of building my coop and my husband and I were trying to figure out poop board/roost placement last night. I am limited on my West wall (nest boxes would be below) with how deep it can go - max would be about 18-20" deep and 6' long - roost would be centered so that leaves 9" or so on either side of the roost for their tooshies to hang over the poop board lol. However, with the location here - walking into the coop it would literally be like RIGHT there in my face all to my left walking in the door. If I put it on my North wall I can do it deeper - so 20-22" deep but only 5' long. Also this spot would put the ramp either right in the way of where we walk in, or it would block the entrance to the nesting boxes. Ugh!

Outside view of West wall. So option 1 would put it above nesting boxes. They'd have a nice long window to look out.

One more view from front... (west wall on left, north wall in back)

sketchup drawings...

sketchup rough drawing for what it would look like on north wall (nest boxes are space on the left below window):

With all that said - what is the narrowest you'd recommend going for the poop board depth?? I will have BIG girls... English Orps, Salmon Faverolle, and a creme legbar and olive egger
With all that said - what is the narrowest you'd recommend going for the poop board depth?? I will have BIG girls... English Orps, Salmon Faverolle, and a creme legbar and olive egger
Mines 2 feet with the roost centered and my roo, Dk. Brahma mix is a big bird, has to roost with his face to the wall because his tail crashes into the wall.
I so don't want to be a downer, but... In most of the summer your window placement should be fine--but in the rest of the time they should not allow a draft directly across the roosts at night. can you raise the roosts? or raise and/or lower the windows? if not leave them and add vent as high up as possible to use the rest of the year.

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