Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

I use pine (my coop is small, 8 x 4).

I have heard sand inside the coop can really start to stink even when scooped for poop; it doesn't neutralize the odors and can harbor moisture (which would be bad inside due to ammonia).

We'll be adding sweet pdz to the hen-house sand - I've heard that helps quite a bit . We used it in our brooder and also in the run sand and it works really well.
I have sand in my dirt floor coop, and love it.

I tried it out in my wood floor coop and did like it, it stayed clean for a pretty long time, but I prefer the wood chips/shavings in the coop.
I have sand in my dirt floor coop, and love it.

I tried it out in my wood floor coop and did like it, it stayed clean for a pretty long time, but I prefer the wood chips/shavings in the coop.
@Alaskan I have a question, please. I've been using pine shavings in my coop (5' x 8') and I'd like to know how you clean yours. When I do a complete sweep-out of the coop and put back in fresh shavings, about 2" thick or so, then I add shavings as needed, but I'm having the hardest time picking the poops out from the clean shavings...seems I'm sweeping the whole coop out far too often because I can't get the poops out...hope my question makes sense...thanks for any input!
@Alaskan I have a question, please. I've been using pine shavings in my coop (5' x 8') and I'd like to know how you clean yours. When I do a complete sweep-out of the coop and put back in fresh shavings, about 2" thick or so, then I add shavings as needed, but I'm having the hardest time picking the poops out from the clean shavings...seems I'm sweeping the whole coop out far too often because I can't get the poops out...hope my question makes sense...thanks for any input!
Quote: I only put about an inch or two of shavings down and add some once in a while also, I have a vinyl floor and poop boards, and stir the shavings a bit every morning when I go in to fill the feeder. Actually I push the shavings out of the way to the feeder or poop board so I don't step in any poop, then rake them back so they cover the floor.
The shavings tend to get scratched against the walls and I'll rake them around to redistribute them evenly every couple days when I sift the poop boards.
The shavings pretty much dry the poops up totally within a day or so. Will totally empty coop of shavings, dried poops, spilled feed every 6 months and put fresh shavings down.
@Alaskan I have a question, please. I've been using pine shavings in my coop (5' x 8') and I'd like to know how you clean yours. When I do a complete sweep-out of the coop and put back in fresh shavings, about 2" thick or so, then I add shavings as needed, but I'm having the hardest time picking the poops out from the clean shavings...seems I'm sweeping the whole coop out far too often because I can't get the poops out...hope my question makes sense...thanks for any input!
Check out the deep little method (DLM) and see if it will work for you. I rake mine a few times a week,depending on how often the girls rake. scoop out some litter to freshen as needed and replace with new. Twice a year, I do and complete removal, clean , repair, and replace to 4 or 5 inches. I use pine shavings because I live in the humid, moist south. The PDZ keeps everything smelling fresh, due to the fact that the most dropping occur at night.
Check out the deep little method (DLM) and see if it will work for you. I rake mine a few times a week,depending on how often the girls rake. scoop out some litter to freshen as needed and replace with new. Twice a year, I do and complete removal, clean , repair, and replace to 4 or 5 inches. I use pine shavings because I live in the humid, moist south. The PDZ keeps everything smelling fresh, due to the fact that the most dropping occur at night.
Okay...I get that part. But how deep will using this method make the floor area? And how do I keep it in the coop (referring to my door)???? Questions, questions...I'm always loaded with those!

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