Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

Just got my coop delivered last night and looking forward to getting chickens in the next few weeks! I stumbled across this thread and I'm fascinated! I have been fretting over what to put in my coop, run, etc. to keep it clean and for bedding, etc. and this sweet PDZ sounds incredible. I have read so much about wood chips, sand, straw, hay, etc that it is overwhelming. I want to start the new coop off the easiest way possible to clean as well as the safest way possible for my future chickens. I guess I am looking for clarification on what materials to put where....sounds like the granular PDZ can go by itself on the droppings board making it easy to scoop poop daily? Should it be put by itself in the coop or with something else? Also what about the nest boxes and run? Thanks!
Just got my coop delivered last night and looking forward to getting chickens in the next few weeks! I stumbled across this thread and I'm fascinated! I have been fretting over what to put in my coop, run, etc. to keep it clean and for bedding, etc. and this sweet PDZ sounds incredible. I have read so much about wood chips, sand, straw, hay, etc that it is overwhelming. I want to start the new coop off the easiest way possible to clean as well as the safest way possible for my future chickens. I guess I am looking for clarification on what materials to put where....sounds like the granular PDZ can go by itself on the droppings board making it easy to scoop poop daily? Should it be put by itself in the coop or with something else? Also what about the nest boxes and run? Thanks!

Now, I don't have chickens, but I do have experience with Sweet PDZ, Apparently it works great on poop boards by it's self, I would imagine that the granular would be fine in the floor, it's like a semi course sand, but it's kind of expencive if you are using it on an entire floor (unless you have one of the tiny coups you can't walk into, then it might be affordable), what I would do though, is mix the PDZ in with sand, maybe half and half to make it go further (in the floor, straight PDZ on the poop boards where most of the droppings will be). From what I have seen and read, hens like to snuggle down into the stuff in the nest box and make a nice little nest, I don't think the PDZ would really work well for that, but if you have more than 1 nest box, why not try it in one and see how it goes with your hens? In the run, like the floor, expencive to use as a covering, but they recommend that you throw it out by hand (like broadcasting grass seed) over areas that pets use the bathroom on a lot outside to help with the smell, it won't hurt the ground, so, again, maybe put some out in the hot months to help with the smell but don't go overboard unless you really enjoy buying the stuff.
Just got my coop delivered last night and looking forward to getting chickens in the next few weeks! I stumbled across this thread and I'm fascinated! I have been fretting over what to put in my coop, run, etc. to keep it clean and for bedding, etc. and this sweet PDZ sounds incredible. I have read so much about wood chips, sand, straw, hay, etc that it is overwhelming. I want to start the new coop off the easiest way possible to clean as well as the safest way possible for my future chickens. I guess I am looking for clarification on what materials to put where....sounds like the granular PDZ can go by itself on the droppings board making it easy to scoop poop daily? Should it be put by itself in the coop or with something else? Also what about the nest boxes and run? Thanks!
I use Sweet PDZ GRANULAR in my poop tray...I have a 2" layer of play sand in the bottom and a bag of Sweet PDZ on the top. Cleanup is a snap. I use a kitty litter scoop (you can see it just up there on the left in the pic)...3-4 minutes..done! I wouldn't use anything else.
Just got my coop delivered last night and looking forward to getting chickens in the next few weeks! I stumbled across this thread and I'm fascinated! I have been fretting over what to put in my coop, run, etc. to keep it clean and for bedding, etc. and this sweet PDZ sounds incredible. I have read so much about wood chips, sand, straw, hay, etc that it is overwhelming. I want to start the new coop off the easiest way possible to clean as well as the safest way possible for my future chickens. I guess I am looking for clarification on what materials to put where....sounds like the granular PDZ can go by itself on the droppings board making it easy to scoop poop daily? Should it be put by itself in the coop or with something else? Also what about the nest boxes and run? Thanks!
I mix it about half PDZ and half clean kiln dried bagged sand on the roost boards.
Only need about 1/2" - 1" deep at most or they will just scratch it all over the place trying to dust bathe in it.

I like pine shavings on the floor and straw in the nests.
what is PDZ ?? Sounds like a great idea and i cant wait to try it
It was originally produced as a horse stall/barn refresher....all I know is it works GREAT for our chicken coops! Very safe and super easy to use. You can get it at your local feed store. Just make sure you get the GRANULAR ... check the bag to say that.

I use it, highly recommend it..wouldn't be without it!
How often should I change the straw in the nest boxes to minimize the smell? Does straw in the nest boxes keep them warmer than pine chips?
I personally don't use straw in my nest boxes...I use pine wood shavings. They are soft and fluffy. And to be honest I have only changed them out of the nest boxes once. I've never experienced a 'smell' in my nest boxes at all.
How often should I change the straw in the nest boxes to minimize the smell? Does straw in the nest boxes keep them warmer than pine chips?
I change out the straw if it gets pooped on, which is very rarely....there shouldn't be any smell in there unless they are sleeping and pooping in it.
My roost sits above a 48x24 poop board with 1x3 sides to hold the PDZ granular inside. I use about 2 inches of the PDZ because my hens only roost in the coop and don't seem to play in it or dust bathe. They really do not go in the coop during the day except to lay their eggs in the nesting boxes which are on the first level with my food storage buckets. I use soft timothy hay in my nesting boxes and add some to it every now and again. The nesting boxes do not get dirty unless they lay an egg that is not formed correctly. I use a mixture of dirt, pine bark mulch and sand in the run area which they turn over for me and keep the smells down. The run area roof is covered with corrugated UV plastic to keep it dry. Don't use the PDZ with baby chicks for the first four weeks or so. Use the pine shavings for horse bedding when they are young. My next poop board will be wider than 24 inches because sometimes they poop over the sides. My husband would cringe if he heard me talking about building coop #3!!!


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