Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

Yep, screws are the best, because I always want to change/fix something.
Deck/drywall screws are the best because usually no pilot/clearance holes are needed.

1 nest for each 3-4 hens. I'd not use the corner one.

Thanks! There is twelve boxes in there now and the 20 chicks are using it as their broader. I will finish up the shelves and roost as soon as we get a few nice days when I can put them in a temporary chick run. I have 10 grown chickens in an older coop that I planned on tearing down and combining the flock but I will wait and see how the young ones spread out on the roost space of the new coop. Might have to make a smaller 8x8 and attach it to the far end of the run. If it turns out they don't use all the boxes I will just unscrew and put them in the 8x8.
Wow, I just happened on this thread by accident, but I'm so glad I did! We are in the process of expanding our coop (chicken math strikes again!) and, although it will not be possible to install poop boards, I still want to use the sweet PDZ mixed with sand under the entire roosting area. We have three 2 year old hens right now, and eight pullets who are almost nine weeks old. They have not been integrated yet, but they have been able to see each other between the pen where they are kept and the coop where are hens are.

So happy to have found this thread, thank you, thank you!
Finally, finally! We have the coop ready for our 9 chicks.
Hubby is more than ready! He is a lot more sensitive to smells and, at 3 weeks, once I am right up on the box I'm brooding them in in the house, they do smell and the dust ...... wow! Gonna wait til this afternoon, though. It's 35 right now and, even though the heat lamp will go with them ... I'd like the ambient temp to be a little higher.
I discovered that, in addition to smashed boiled eggs, they really like dried mealworms, if I crunch them up a little bit. So, here's the pics of the henhouse. I thought it was done ... and then hubby said, "I think I've figured out how to put a roof over the nesting boxes." What? I thought that was a "Forget it, no way, no how, ain't gonna happen" situation. Not only do the boxes have roofs, there is also the "landing board". Before they go in the coop, just gotta put PDZ on the poop board, pine shavings on the floor, and, maybe it's overkill but, a vinyl tablecloth on the nesting box roof to drape over the openings. I don't want the chicks thinking they outta get in the boxes until they're ready to lay. I'll see if the tablecloth is long enough to cover the "landing board". It might make them a nice roost since it's about the height of what they have in their box inside but ... Felt paper on the inside west-facing and south-facing walls. Batten boards on the outside north-facing wall where the nesting boxes are.

This pic is when I thought we were done done, and hubby said "OK nesting box roofs." But above shows the battens, the still to be finished run and fencing around the coop, the first T of our grape arbor and our apple trees beyond. And ... the chairs for when we had to take a break and enjoy the sunshine. GREAT day
Finally, finally! We have the coop ready for our 9 chicks.
Hubby is more than ready! He is a lot more sensitive to smells and, at 3 weeks, once I am right up on the box I'm brooding them in in the house, they do smell and the dust ...... wow! Gonna wait til this afternoon, though. It's 35 right now and, even though the heat lamp will go with them ... I'd like the ambient temp to be a little higher.
I discovered that, in addition to smashed boiled eggs, they really like dried mealworms, if I crunch them up a little bit. So, here's the pics of the henhouse. I thought it was done ... and then hubby said, "I think I've figured out how to put a roof over the nesting boxes." What? I thought that was a "Forget it, no way, no how, ain't gonna happen" situation. Not only do the boxes have roofs, there is also the "landing board". Before they go in the coop, just gotta put PDZ on the poop board, pine shavings on the floor, and, maybe it's overkill but, a vinyl tablecloth on the nesting box roof to drape over the openings. I don't want the chicks thinking they outta get in the boxes until they're ready to lay. I'll see if the tablecloth is long enough to cover the "landing board". It might make them a nice roost since it's about the height of what they have in their box inside but ... Felt paper on the inside west-facing and south-facing walls. Batten boards on the outside north-facing wall where the nesting boxes are.

This pic is when I thought we were done done, and hubby said "OK nesting box roofs." But above shows the battens, the still to be finished run and fencing around the coop, the first T of our grape arbor and our apple trees beyond. And ... the chairs for when we had to take a break and enjoy the sunshine. GREAT day

Love it!
BEFORE reading this thread.....


Good thing I used screws!
Still not sure about the number and placement of the boxes especially on the small wall since the one in the corner will be a pain to collect from.
I agree, i'd take out the corner box, I would also leave a space on the opposing wall to create a corner, that wold be a great place to hang a feeder.
Ended up taking the whole row off the 8 ft wall and replacing the shelf. Will make installing the chickdoor a lot easier with those out of the way. I will see how the remaining 6 boxes get used. If I need a more I'll add a couple just before the corner.
I've learned to do things myself so I get them the way I want. That means learning to use power tools. It's really not that hard. I have curtains over my nest boxes in the old coop and they love the privacy. I've got to buy fabric for the new coop nest boxes. The door on the outside of the coop to collect the eggs in open in this picture to give more light for the photo.
BTW, you want the board on top slanted or put something on it so they won't roost there.
Too Cute!
So this most recent 2 bags of Granular Sweet PDZ I just bought(yesterday) from Tractor Supply were a little more powdery than the granular type regularly is, and it had a slightly different smell. I looked at the ingredients and it says it is "Clinoptilolite" instead of zeolite, I looked it up and it is a form of Zeolite, but it is more clay like? Do you all think it is still ok to use this in my poo trays?
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