Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

I also use PDZ but put on top of that three Boot Trays from TSC 123......The three catch 90 of poo.. I only have 4 in their.. the other coop same thing 7 crowed in there... with boot tray underneath Boot trays $4.99 at TSC.....
every morning just reach in and scrape them or shake trays then take wate and scub brush if needed and shake dry or dry outside etc and replace on poo boards....
EASZY PEEZY..... they sure dont poo much latly at nite. guess cause they are n their less than winter etc........ they dont even go back in coop much lately just to lay eggs.... they spolled rottens,are too busy running around their 100 by 100 plus yard, shelters, under big shed, under bushes etc.....
Just works for me....
OK Trish .... I was hoping these birds would hop up and spread out ... but 12 of them roost in the front right corner of the roost and poop board ...


3/4s of the right side roost and the entire left side roost is empty ... lol ... will they spread out?

Also, my Marans sleep in the corner of the floor with the little ones ... will they EVER roost?


Hmmmmm., not necessarily good advertisement for poop boards, lol........ :)
I have a batch of goober chickens too. I have chicks that are 10 weeks old that have been roosting with the big girls for 8 weeks. I have 15 week olds that sleep all over the poop board, but sometimes on the roost. The dippy things even DUST bathe in it, even though the WHOLE coop floor and the board are covered in PDZ.

Nut balls. Sleeping in the fallout zone. Sigh.

I did just redesign to roosts. I had two bars, one higher than the other. The though was that the higher order chickens would sleep up on the higher one. NOPE. Everyone wanted up there, those that didn't fit, slept ON the board. Now I have two bars at the same height. So we shall see tonight.
Well, my chickens, at3 months of age have finally decided that they don't have to do the panic cram into the corner routine at dusk! I have 9 and when I checked just to see what was what tonight, I could easily see 6 on the roost over top of theoop Board. The 3 others? On another roost I'm sure!
Love love love the boot tray idea. Our poop Board is two long boards - so obviously a crack. Cheap vinyl tablecloth won't hold up. I'll use our own boot trays for now.
Thank you ideaosting chicken people
Hmmmmm., not necessarily good advertisement for poop boards, lol........ :)

What's not?

He has some young birds sleeping on the floor which is completely normal. I have Silkies who sleep on the floor of my coop all the time and occasionally a broody who takes over a corner no biggie.

If you are referring to the pic of birds all crammed together on the poop boards it may be because they can't reach the other part of the board easily. Look at his pic again it looks like he has pieces of wood down to the left that are preventing them from easily accessing that side of the board. Once they all jump up and roost it's kind of hard for them to step over each other to get to an empty spot. That is simply a design problem not a poop board problem.
Quote: Actually pretty typical...those are young birds...as they get older they will spread out and use the roost more than the board.

Tho some of my adults prefer to roost on the board, especially when it's just been cleaned that day....they mix it up....
and most the time they do crowd one end of the roost once they settled in, but use all the roost during the nightly dusktime *****, bite and squabble dance.
I integrated my 17 new additions into the coop (from the attached, visible feed room) at about 4 weeks of age. They pretty quickly started roosting on the lip of the poop board ( mine is really wide). I added several roosts and they immediately started roosting on them. I still have several that roost on the lip of the poop boards, but none have roosted on the ground since about six weeks.

They are learning from the big girls. Now, if I could just get them to go to bed earlier....the young girls want to stay out past sunset and then party all night!
What's not?

He has some young birds sleeping on the floor which is completely normal. I have Silkies who sleep on the floor of my coop all the time and occasionally a broody who takes over a corner no biggie.

If you are referring to the pic of birds all crammed together on the poop boards it may be because they can't reach the other part of the board easily. Look at his pic again it looks like he has pieces of wood down to the left that are preventing them from easily accessing that side of the board. Once they all jump up and roost it's kind of hard for them to step over each other to get to an empty spot. That is simply a design problem not a poop board problem.

I guess I was thinking that if I had a poop board, that all the birds would use it. I can see where that isn't a totally realistic thought, especially for young birds. I have limited experience and only have a small flock and am in the process of building a new coop, and want a poop board.......haven't had one in the past, so any suggestions would be appreciated. (will have an 8 x 12 coop and want to split it into two separate areas.)

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