Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

It is not there on mobile. I went through a bunch of pages and I guess I just should ask if anyone knows of a large plastic or metal tray I could use with pdz in a raised wood frame for easy slide out cleaning? 10' across
Just put the PDZ in the wood frame...can you post a pic of your 'frame'?
I have not built it. I have a newly constructed 8.5x10 coop. I put down the black roofing stuff on the floor and six inches up the walls Monday and will paint tonight. Thus the roost and poop tray is next. I was going to build it to accommodate the trays.
I have been looking at 2'x4'x2" boot trays on amazon for just over 20 dollars but that's expensive since I would need several.

Walmart has usa made galvanized drip pans for 11 but I think they are less than an inch deep. I'm trying to figure out a different setup to change from pdz litter.
While I loved my poop deck for less than 10 chickens, I switch this spring to a ladder style roost with a poop hammock. I just sprinkle a 1/2C of pdz and lift out to empty once a week. Since I have over 20+, it was a space issue. You can find pics on Pinterest. If you go with metal it will allow the poop to freeze solid in winter, keep the pdz deep.
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While I loved my poop deck for less than 10 chickens, I switch this spring to a ladder style roost with a poop hammock. I just sprinkle a 1/2C of pdz and lift out to empty once a week. Since I have over 20+, it was a space issue. You can find pics on Pinterest. If you go with metal it will allow the poop to freeze solid in winter, keep the pdz deep.

Walmart has usa made galvanized drip pans for 11 but I think they are less than an inch deep. I'm trying to figure out a different setup to change from pdz litter.
why are you switching from pdz?
While I loved my poop deck for less than 10 chickens, I switch this spring to a ladder style roost with a poop hammock. I just sprinkle a 1/2C of pdz and lift out to empty once a week. Since I have over 20+, it was a space issue. You can find pics on Pinterest. If you go with metal it will allow the poop to freeze solid in winter, keep the pdz deep.

That's why I'm switching. Space is an issue but also more maintenance than I'd like with 24 birds. Ideal for 12 or less though. Hammock sounds like a good idea. What material did you end up using?

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