Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

@aart oops I wondered why you were asking since I know you have been at this a lot longer than I have. I think I did not put enough in originally so I used more. How much sand do you mix in?
Wonders if you are on a phone or something and so not see the quotes...the mobile apps and folks who answer via email don't seem to read/see thread progression.

...and maybe don't see subtle links either.....can you see this link?
Yes, I am on mobile, and often answer from email so I do have issues with progress at times. I can see the link I also saw the here link and went and read after I asked about yours after shooting my question. Next time I will go to the thread first.
If you look closely at my post, you'll see I quoted and was actually asking @sueiris because of the hinged front on their boards.

I sift mine out too, I use a metal mesh office organizer basket.....but certainly don't got thru a whole bag of PDZ in 3-4 weeks, more like 4-6 months , but I mix with sand too.
You can see mine here.

I hinged it so I can clean it out easier - the coop is new though and so far I'm just scooping. I'm imagining that I'll maybe clean it out totally once a year or so? Haven't gotten that far yet.
Gotcha, thanks.....time will tell.
Hinged front might be handy...but after two years I have not had to completely empty mine.
Just sift out poops and top off sand/PDZ mix when it gets below the ~1/2" level.

good to know....this was the first time that I had a poop boarded coop, so I wasn't sure. Hinges really weren't too hard to do, and just used hooks and eyes to hold them up...so far so good, but probably a bit messier than no hinge.
If you look closely at my post, you'll see I quoted and was actually asking @sueiris because of the hinged front on their boards.

I sift mine out too, I use a metal mesh office organizer basket.....but certainly don't got thru a whole bag of PDZ in 3-4 weeks, more like 4-6 months , but I mix with sand too.
You can see mine here.

I like the idea of a mesh basket, I've been using a kitty litter scoop but it doesn't get the small pieces. TY
Quote: I use this steel mesh scoop, I use this same scoop for cleaning the meal worms substrate, it gets the small pieces as well. A kitty litter scoop is too big, I agree.

edited: not the same exact scoop, one just like it.
I found that mesh on that scoop to be too large for chick poop, ended up lining it with window screen....

......and with wheat bran for mealworm substrate(and the tiny tiny mealworms) hoping it works better with corn meal as substrate.

Disappointing as that scoop is very well made.

The scoop itself was to small to do poop boards in main coop.
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