Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

That is a great Idea. I put shower flooring on the floor, and up the sides and just spray it out when I am doing a good cleaning. This is the rubber sheets that they use in a shower flooring before they put down the tile, or rock. This is a heavy rubber that you can get in any size. Home Depot usually has it available most of the time.

One of my girls just laid their first egg yesterday. They are about 16 weeks old the best we can figure out. I guess that is a bit early, but it was an exciting day. I am just waiting for our fist golden egg. LOL

Master H
YEP! A very worthy purchase. Best poop sifter ever lol maybe I should write a review on Walmart for it? Lolol
Don't write the review...Walmart will list it as a double-purpose tool and charge double for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is that sand? I love the idea and am going to be creating a new coop next year so this would be a great idea. And yeah once they are used to something it's hard to get them to do something 'new'. LOL!!
Is that sand? I love the idea and am going to be creating a new coop next year so this would be a great idea. And yeah once they are used to something it's hard to get them to do something 'new'. LOL!!
PDZ kind of looks like sand, it's white and grainy, but, unlike sand, it absorbs amonia and will keep the smell down, it also seems to dry better than regular sand does, in my experience anyway.
Please pardon me if this has been asked already, but I'm too lazy to go through all 170+ pages*, most of which seems to be of people lauding the benefits of sweet PDZ (which I already know about and use).

My question has to do with the placement and size of the poop-board/tray. In particular how far beneath the roosting bar and how wide does it need to be as distance increases? Has anyone ever come up with a 'formula' for the trajectory of chicken poop? Obviously once the chicken squirts it out it is going to fall in a curved path down to the floor, so the further down beneath the roost the poop-board/tray is sitting the wider it would have to be.

*If the questions have been answered already then a link to the post/thread would be fine.
Please pardon me if this has been asked already, but I'm too lazy to go through all 170+ pages*, most of which seems to be of people lauding the benefits of sweet PDZ (which I already know about and use).

My question has to do with the placement and size of the poop-board/tray. In particular how far beneath the roosting bar and how wide does it need to be as distance increases? Has anyone ever come up with a 'formula' for the trajectory of chicken poop? Obviously once the chicken squirts it out it is going to fall in a curved path down to the floor, so the further down beneath the roost the poop-board/tray is sitting the wider it would have to be.

*If the questions have been answered already then a link to the post/thread would be fine.
I'm not going to go thru and find the/a pertinent post either, hehe.
I doubt that Fowl Fecal trajectories have been defined in hard numbers (too many variables) not to mention who the heck would want to collect the data?!

I've found that a 2 foot wide/deep board with roost centered(for the 'roost one foot away from wall' good rule of thumb) and 8" up from board catches all of them.
Many of my birds roost on front raised edge of board with butts over board, so all those get caught too.
Not sure how I chose the height of roost but it works great as my sifter basket fits under roost,
and I also use a garden hoe with cut off handle to reach under and pull stuff from back to sift without arm/sleeve touching roost.
So I think the closer to board the roost is the better, but leave room to clean without mucking up your sleeves or having to remove roost for cleaning access.
I will link one of my posts on this thread as I have it saved:
I'm having a problem with the Sweet PDZ sifting process. I end up with a combination of speck size pooh and pdz. Is that what the rest of you get? I've been using a colander.

I find that when I don't clean it daily, the poop breaks down like this. I use a cat scoop - it doesn't get all of it, but pretty good. I am better at getting out to clean the poop board better in the winter - worrying about humidity levels and all.

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