Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

I don't go deep because they dust bathe in it.
@aart even in the Winter?

Oh, I think you have a bigger poop board then I do.
More likely in winter...fewer places to dust bathe outside in winter.
I have 3 poop boards; 2x7, 2x4, 1x6.

Love, love, love the round coop....I feel like the other one on the left was one I had in my "dream" file....but then I got realistic and knew I couldn't have as many chickens as I'd like as the eggs would go to waste....seriously, people say they will come and get them and they don't. And, nope...my neighbors all said they'd come and help eat up the garden and they didn't! lol
Sweet PDZ all the way- I like the powder myself. We use 2 kitty little scoops to clean- with a 1/4" rubber mat underneath so the plywood doesn't wear out and absorb the smells.

With the Sweet PDZ powder, we use just enough to dust it- like if you're rolling out pie dough in flour- otherwise at least in the damp NW, too thick of a layer wastes a lot of it. (been there, done that!) With that thin of a layer unless we have a flapping chicken, the dust is pretty minimal.

P.S. Using compressed pine pellets (like Nature's bedding or Dry Den) on the ground in the coop creates an excellent medium for dust bathing when the outside turns to mud. Our chickens have a regularly scheduled dust bath party. Some-even with the thin, thin layer of PDZ- prefer to use that. Maybe because the older birds wouldn't let them join the floor party when they were teenagers? LOL

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