Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

Gail Damerow in Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens says "the smell of ammonia coming from chicken manure in either the henhouse or the compost pile means nitrogen is evaporating. To reduce nitrogen losses, periodically apple ground rock phosphate or ground dolomitic limestone. Either substance combines with nitrogen to keep it from evaporating and the improve manure's fertilizer value." I'm thinking the Sweet PDZ does the same thing. I also found it at Tractor supply store>
Wonderful idea! I'll definitely be doing this in the spring!

My question is how on Earth do you keep the actual roosts so poop free with 40 chickens in there? I have only 12 and my roosts have poo splotches all over them. Can't keep them clean! It's gross.
So far the chickens seem to keep the poop only on the board. We made the board 24 inches deep so it catches all the poop in both directions.. The only time we have trouble is when someone decides to sleep in the little cove behind the perches (where ceiling meets wall). Doesn't happen often but on occasion someone will snuggle in there. Also, when they jump up for the night they first jump up to the board and walk through the PDZ before getting on the roost. This is GREAT because they kick a little out and freshen up my shavings, they cover nearby poop in the PDZ AND they cover their feet in it to so dries up poopy feet and keeps the roosts clean

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Can sweet pdz be used as kitty litter inside the house?

It looks amazing how clean it is when you're scooping.

That's also an awesome idea. Do your chickens play in it?
I would try it in the kitty litter box, can't hurt! I don't have any cats so I can't test it.
This is kind of crazy but I actually enjoy scooping it, it's zen like
. Very satisfying to go from nasty to super clean, takes about 5 minutes to do both boards. I leave ziplock bags in the coop and just toss in the garbage when full. I have never seen the chickens play with it, dust in it or try to eat it- they just ignore it . Hope someone else tries it soon

Gail Damerow in Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens says "the smell of ammonia coming from chicken manure in either the henhouse or the compost pile means nitrogen is evaporating. To reduce nitrogen losses, periodically apple ground rock phosphate or ground dolomitic limestone. Either substance combines with nitrogen to keep it from evaporating and the improve manure's fertilizer value." I'm thinking the Sweet PDZ does the same thing. I also found it at Tractor supply store>
I think you may be right- here is what I found on their website:

How Does Sweet PDZ Work?
Sweet PDZ is extremely effective at neutralizing and removing ammonia and odors, because of its two special properties:

1) Adsorption - Which is the sticking of the ammonia gas molecule to the surface of the Sweet PDZ granule. When the Sweet PDZ granules desorb, or dries out, the ammonia odor molecule is driven off the surface of the mineral as nitrogen. This is why spent (used) bedding material that includes Sweet PDZ, works so well as a slow release fertilizer or as an enhancement to composting.

2) Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) - This is the liquid exchange aspect of Sweet PDZ’s odor neutralizing process. A sodium or potassium cation from the zeolite granule hydrolyzes (goes to liquid/urine) and the ammonium is exchanged and then becomes part of the Sweet PDZ granule. This liquid exchange works because the Sweet PDZ granules are always holding water.
The Bottom Line: Sweet PDZ captures, neutralizes and eliminates harmful ammonia and odors, and it does so through its natural chemistry, not by covering up the odor with a perfume or masking scent.

I am a huge fan of sweet PDZ also. They have a website with chicken coop recommendations on it.

I use it on the wood floor with no shavings and scrape daily. However, I don't put much and this doesn't work in freezing weather too well. Also will ruin the floor eventually unless you have linoleum.

Saves me lots of money on shavings.

I LOVE your coop and roost design.

I just noticed on the PDZ website that it comes in powder form and granular form. I am using the powder one and it worked perfect in the recent cold snap we had. Coop got down to 18 degrees and my water froze, PDZ was still easy to scoop
Are you using the granular form? Maybe it holds more moisture and freezes? Not sure...

I use the granular form and have no experience with the powered form of sweet pdz. The granular form works just fine for me.
The lip on the chickens poop board is not as deep as the OP, so I have a thinner layer on it, and replenish the sweet pdz as needed.
Quote: I have tried the granular form and it was a waste of money as I use a scraper to scrape the floor. The granular form was collected along with the poo and the bag lasted me only about a week or two.

The powder form of it will last for a lot longer- measured in more weeks for one bag as I only sprinkle a little per day.

The caecal poos stick to the floor when it is freezing (not often around here, thankfully). I wait to scrape until it is above freezing. You see, I use only a dusting of it. But it is enough to dry out the floor and keep it easy to scrape. And it smells fine in the coop.
YES! I made the shelf at waist height so no bending to clean. I simply scoop, shake and throw it away. The PDZ absorbs the odor so it does not smell, even after several days! I try to do it every 2-3 days max so I keep the moisture down in the coop since I have alot of chickens

How many chickens do you have??? I have 48 and really need to re-do my poop board situation!
How many chickens do you have??? I have 48 and really need to re-do my poop board situation!

Ayda I hear ya! I have about 65 chickens total but only about 40 of them sleep in this coop. We came up with this design because my coop cleaning chores were out of control! With 40 birds sleeping in there (without poop boards) I was changing out the shavings weekly and using 2 bales of shavings a week. That's alot of used shavings for someone who does not compost. Now I change out the shavings monthly (give or take) and the poop is reduced to a ziplock bag every couple of days
Now that I have seen the light I can never go back

so how long is your roost board?? mine is like a ladder so am not sure how to make a poop board. Maybe I will post a pic and some one can give me suggestions!
I am also overwhenlmed wih the amount of POOOOO can build up in a week YUK

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