Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

I use plastic boot trays without sand on them. Every morning, I just take the trays out to the composter, dump/scrape out the contents, hose them off, then replace. The whole process takes less than 5 minutes.
I use plastic boot trays without sand on them. Every morning, I just take the trays out to the composter, dump/scrape out the contents, hose them off, then replace. The whole process takes less than 5 minutes.

You lost me at dump/scrape and hose off
Ok, I've read through 5 pages of this post and haven't seen my question answered yet, so I'll go ahead and ask it! lol Do you ever have a problem with chickens sleeping IN the poop board? When we moved in, our coop didn't even really have rooting poles - it just had shelves that the chickens would lay on. One of them decided to start laying eggs on the shelves (NO IDEA why) and it would fall off and break. Even after we put roosting poles over the shelves, she continued to lay there until we cut the shelves so narrow that there wasn't space for her to lay anymore. I'd LOVE to widen the shelves and do this, but I'd be afraid we'd get layers in there again.
Ok, I've read through 5 pages of this post and haven't seen my question answered yet, so I'll go ahead and ask it! lol Do you ever have a problem with chickens sleeping IN the poop board? When we moved in, our coop didn't even really have rooting poles - it just had shelves that the chickens would lay on. One of them decided to start laying eggs on the shelves (NO IDEA why) and it would fall off and break. Even after we put roosting poles over the shelves, she continued to lay there until we cut the shelves so narrow that there wasn't space for her to lay anymore. I'd LOVE to widen the shelves and do this, but I'd be afraid we'd get layers in there again.

Never had a chicken sleep in the poop board, only 1 who decided to take a dust bath in it. A couple of the girls have perched on the "lip" part of it as they watch all the daytime action below. Nightime all chickens one by one find their favorite spot on the roost, end spots closer to the window seem to be reserved for "top of the pecking order" girls.

IF someone was to lay an egg in the poop board it would be safe considering the lip I have around the board. I'm sure the egg would not roll around inside the Sweet PDZ because it is like flour. I am calling this a board but really it is more like a giant sandbox with Sweet PDZ instead of sand. Anything laid inside the sandbox would be safe
I can't imagine a chicken preferring this over a nice snugly nest box but who knows how chickens think. Maybe try a couple of those round dome Kitty litter boxes, apparently they are the "IN" place to lay eggs (at least in my flock)

Love your coop and the roost and poop tray with the magic powder! Am using a ladder type roost with hinges and boot trays underneath, but this looks even better, and would save space. Also, the top rung, the favorite, in my coop is too close to the wall and there are distressing soil marks....can't wait to get in there with a scrub brush. My poor husband may not be in favor of this redo...but I think it may have to happen. Thank you!
. Trish, I absolutely love your whole 5 pages of PDZ info! I do have one teeny, tiny question: please compare PDZ to DE that I have been using in wet spots. I want to switch to granular PDA because of the powder-in-lungs issue. Will I be happy with PDZ? Both are the same price here, 40# for $14 and granular or powder. Chime in all, please? We are in the cold country where poo does freeze, but this is ok if the amonia remains in the pitched out chunks. Thank you all.
What is that sand like material you use on your poop board? It doesn't render the poop unusable as fertilizer or mess with the compostability does it?
Love your coop and the roost and poop tray with the magic powder! Am using a ladder type roost with hinges and boot trays underneath, but this looks even better, and would save space. Also, the top rung, the favorite, in my coop is too close to the wall and there are distressing soil marks....can't wait to get in there with a scrub brush. My poor husband may not be in favor of this redo...but I think it may have to happen. Thank you!

Thank you for the compliments. When I first did the coop I considered ladder roosts but then decided against them. Just seemed to me that someone lower would get pooped on. Also, chickens naturally want to roost high so I figured there would be some fighting for the top spots. I like everyone on one level in a line. Everybody is roosting at my chest level so it's easy to go in there before lights out and do the once over on everyone. I just walk the line and glance at everyone and make sure they all look good. I even give all the roos the stinkeye
make em worried

Me thinks you will LOVE the magic powder

. Trish, I absolutely love your whole 5 pages of PDZ info! I do have one teeny, tiny question: please compare PDZ to DE that I have been using in wet spots. I want to switch to granular PDA because of the powder-in-lungs issue. Will I be happy with PDZ? Both are the same price here, 40# for $14 and granular or powder. Chime in all, please? We are in the cold country where poo does freeze, but this is ok if the amonia remains in the pitched out chunks. Thank you all.

Hmmm.... I use DE also mixed in with my shavings on the floor and in my other coop with the sand. I think de is great to keep things dry and good prevention in the bug/lice/mite area. DE is VERY powdery and I am careful when I sprinkle it down. The powder form of PDZ is like a heavier flour consistency, not as fine. When I scoop it does not go airborne on me like DE does, it just stays in place. Now don't get me wrong- when I watched my girl take a dustbath in it she did manage to create a small cloud around her but it was minor and nothing compared to sand and de dust clouds. It dissipated quickly and I never once felt like I needed to get out of their to fresh air. It's kind of like comparing a fine talcum powder to cornstarch if that makes sense. I say give it a try and see what you think.
I am going to get the granular kind soon so I can try it and report back to everyone

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