Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

What is that sand like material you use on your poop board? It doesn't render the poop unusable as fertilizer or mess with the compostability does it?

It is Sweet PDZ, a horse stall refresher. It absorbs odor and moisture and keeps everything smelling great. I think it is made from a mineral and is fine for composting and fertilizer. Go to the Sweet PDZ website and you can read up on the stuff. Works GREAT!

I read through all the posts. I certainly dont want you to get a big head with all these compliments but... I am so happy I found your thread!

I literally just hatched 3 chicks last SAt. I then lost 2 of them. I rushed around to find 2 new chicks so i wouldnt have a very sad singleton (boy did she cry!). The whole point of my yammering is this: I am about as new as a person can get to this chicken thing. I am SO pleased to know how I'm going to manage all the poop and not be totally grossed out by it! As my chicks are turning into poop machines, I have wondered. Thank you so much for posting and sharing what works for you! I never in a million years would have ever conceived this set up. Now when the big coop gets built, i will get it right the first time! Thanks so much!!!
Back to your original post, what is causing the sand to smell. I clean mine out have no order whatsoever. I sure wish you could find out. Looking at your shovel/scoop with the HD on it, the 1/4 inch holes is letting an awful lot of poo back in the sand. Could that be the odor?

I'd really like to know. Why is mine so clean smelling?
I read through all the posts. I certainly dont want you to get a big head with all these compliments but... I am so happy I found your thread!

I literally just hatched 3 chicks last SAt. I then lost 2 of them. I rushed around to find 2 new chicks so i wouldnt have a very sad singleton (boy did she cry!). The whole point of my yammering is this: I am about as new as a person can get to this chicken thing. I am SO pleased to know how I'm going to manage all the poop and not be totally grossed out by it! As my chicks are turning into poop machines, I have wondered. Thank you so much for posting and sharing what works for you! I never in a million years would have ever conceived this set up. Now when the big coop gets built, i will get it right the first time! Thanks so much!!!

Good Luck with your chicks and new coop, just watch out for chicken math


Back to your original post, what is causing the sand to smell. I clean mine out have no order whatsoever. I sure wish you could find out. Looking at your shovel/scoop with the HD on it, the 1/4 inch holes is letting an awful lot of poo back in the sand. Could that be the odor?

I'd really like to know. Why is mine so clean smelling?

Gosh, I wish I knew. I love the whole sand idea and I would love to use it on the floor of this coop also but the smell

I don't sift it everyday but I expect it to smell clean after I do. Seems the sand just holds the smell. I have a stall rake that I added 1/4" hardware cloth to- I use that to sift. I am able to sift all poops up with it, only tiny pebbles get through.

What do you use to sift? How many chickens do you have in it? Any advice for me?

What a great idea, but I have never heard of the Sweet PDZ either. Where do you buy it? I think I need to work on my coop too.. I love things

that make my life easier. It gives me more time to be on here...
Took this advice into consideration when I built my new coop. I built a poop board waist high, added a lip, and filled it with Sweet PDZ. Man what a difference! Thank you OP for posting this idea. I would highly recommend everyone to do this. Has made coop cleaning a breeze and no ammonia smell. Sweet PDZ is the best thing to happen to my coop after the rebuild.
Took this advice into consideration when I built my new coop. I built a poop board waist high, added a lip, and filled it with Sweet PDZ. Man what a difference! Thank you OP for posting this idea. I would highly recommend everyone to do this. Has made coop cleaning a breeze and no ammonia smell. Sweet PDZ is the best thing to happen to my coop after the rebuild.


So glad you love it and thank you for posting your experience!!!

Well I tried the granular one just to see if it works as good and it does! Works just as good and I might even like it better

It is a little more dusty when scooping but not to bad. Can't vouch for it in the freezing weather since we have not had any. Scoops just as nice with a little less shaking to sift. Smells just as good. I think I will alternate until I make up my mind.

Weather should be getting nice soon so lets get building

What a great idea, but I have never heard of the Sweet PDZ either. Where do you buy it? I think I need to work on my coop too.. I love things

that make my life easier. It gives me more time to be on here...

I am addicted to BYC, my family is secretly talking intervention

By the way LOVE your BCM eggs. I am bidding but this new system makes it tough to win without sniper...uhh I mean proxy bidding

Awesome suggestion....I am new to raising laying hens. I just started building my coop as a project for me & my kids. We are definitely going to alter our final plans & incorporate this! We are expecting our chicks next week & are very excited.
Thanks for the great idea!!!!

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