Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

Check out the progress so far .....


So far ...




Whatcha think? There will be a window between the two roosts soon ...
Very nice!!!!!! How high are the roosts from the poop boards? They seem tall from the picture so make sure the birds can easily jump up or else they will be sleeping on the boards. Great job! Can't wait to see it completed and full of chickens

My wonderful, patient, long suffering husband just remodeled the coop using the shelf style poop boards. After one night, I am a convert. It was really easy to clean, and there is so much more room. I won't have to scrub the walls as often, and my new chicks and their broody adoptive mom can fit in under the shelf in their dog crate. So much more spacious. If I can master it, I'll put up before and after pics. We only built the coop last summer, so it was very sweet that it was redone.
SWEET!!! Nice job, love the window seat

Great pics and thanks for sharing!

Tonysorrento- I would go lower on the perches, you will keep alot more poop on the board and discourage birds from sleeping on the board (not enough room). Also, if it's to high they can't get up easy and then you need to make a ladder to walk up and that eats up space. Nice big space and you could sleep a lot of birds in there

I am so glad I found your post! Our 2-week old chicks are still in their brooder in the basement, while my husband is busy building the chicken tractor... I will definitely go with your PDZ method. I'm planning on composting the droppings, and this way it will be a lot less bulk. Thanks for sharing!
Tonysorrento- I would go lower on the perches, you will keep alot more poop on the board and discourage birds from sleeping on the board (not enough room). Also, if it's to high they can't get up easy and then you need to make a ladder to walk up and that eats up space. Nice big space and you could sleep a lot of birds in there

Been following your thread from its inception, and regarding advice you gave Tonysorrento about the perches...Did you mean to keep the perches closer to the poop board, or actually lowering the poop boards (that he already has up). I am in the coop construction process and I am hoping to have removable poop board trays below a staggered two perch shelf. Does that make sense? I am planning on putting the poop board around 18"-20" off the floor, and then the first perch about 12" above that, and then another one 12" above that and 12" closer to the wall. Do you think this will work? Thanks.
My family is also in the middle of building our coop, we will have 36 ladies. Well more like at the begining....just set our posts. We decided to build the half monitor coop style from the 1920's.
The coop will be 16' x 10' and has a side yard of 20'x50' . When I need to confine them. was planning on letting them run around the yard....but not sure if I like the idea of all that poo everywhere.

well back on subject.....I am planning on using the droppings board also.
we are placing our board 24" off the ground. (I would rather have it 3' off the ground) My end wall is only 4" tall. So I will have 6" between the top of the board and the bottom of the roosting board.
That leaves me 12-15" above the roost.
your board can be 6-8" below your roosting boards.
Just enough room for cleaning but not too much room you don't want your chickens on the droppings board.
my board is 30" wide and 10' long I am having 2 roosts running side by side the full length.
I will have 6" from droppings board edge to first roost.
Hope this helped.

Too high? Easy enough to change now .....
So with your board being 30 inches wide, how much overlap are you leaving on each side of the roosts and how far are your roosts separated by? I guess I could do a similar setup to what you explained, but I thought that the staggered roosts were better since my coop will only be 8'x8'.

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