Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

Um, holy poop board, G-Man, that's gorgeous!
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do you have sand and shavings on the floor or just one of them? and how often do you completely change out whats used on the floors. i just have straw right now and am new at this
I have shavings on the floor which I sprinkled every two weeks or so with a thin layer of DE (diatomaceous earth) to kill off any creepy crawlies. I have, like so many on this thread sweetpdz on the poopboard. i have very little poop on the floor, I checked, actually yesterday, now that I have the pdz up on the poopshelf for a while, how much other droppings there were, and there was maybe one or two in the entire coop. It is really true that they poop most on the roost when they are outside all day.

In the winter that is a different story. They;'re inside a whole lot more so there'll be more poop on the floor. I let the shavings build up in a deep litter method (adding a layer of shavings every week) and then clean the coop in the spring. I've not had any odors or infestations of anything yet.
do you have sand and shavings on the floor or just one of them? and how often do you completely change out whats used on the floors. i just have straw right now and am new at this
I have bounced back and forth from shavings to sand back to shavings. Sand is so much easier to clean but man o man the dust is so bad
I am back to shavings permanently and will never do sand again (in the coop). Sand in the run is the best

Now for anyone reading- I tried mixing sand with pdz on the poop board to see if it would work- BAD IDEA! Does not work well and again- very dusty. Spent my whole weekend shoveling sand out of the coop and poop boards. Lesson learned. My lungs still hurt

Ok, spoiledchicken, 1st lesson in all the books I read, always wear a dust mask!! It does not bare thinking about what you inhaled. Sand without all the pooh is bad enough...
I've been using sand and PDZ on the poop boards, not super thick, and it's fine. Mine doesn't seem real dusty, and it's mostly sand with a minimum of PDZ, it scoops quick, and lots sticks to the poop, so I feel better about composting the cheap sand than the precious PDZ. Right now My floor is bare, and I use a plastic scraper to pick up poops from the floor quick in the morning. Used more bedding in the winter...they are mostly in their pen now.
I LOVE your painting idea!!! I'm yoinking it for my coop!! DH thought I was a little nutty when I said I was painting blue skies and poofy clouds in the coop... but he's going along with it

<see below>
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I have been waiting and waiting until I could post pictures of my poops boards. I used Trisha"s idea under one to place food and water. Then I came up with my own idea for under the other... a brooder/seperation pen!

Here they are...

Sorry the pictures is crooked.

And the second one...

The PDZ granulated is now on them and the chickens are moved in. Thanks so much again for posting this thread!
I LOVE your painting idea!!! I'm yoinking it for my coop!! DH thought I was a little nutty when I said I was painting blue skies and poofy clouds in the coop... but he's going along with it

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