Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

Yes it can, it's just a ground mineral. It mostly dries the poo rather than completely covering it like kitty litter does. I'd never thought I'd look forward to scooping poo lol, I was so excited when when they used the poo tray.
I posted these concerns in another thread but it isn't getting much action...so I'll put it here cause I know the traffic is heavy on this thread! :)

I have a small coop and this (see picture) is the only way I could get a poop tray with PDZ in and still maintain good clearance in all directions from the roost. The tray is very close to the roost, but I am not really worried about it, since the lip on the tray is narrow enough that they will likely prefer the branch. My biggest concern is the distance between the wall and the front edge of the poop tray. I assume they will use the poop tray to get up and down from the roost, but from the front edge to the wall is only about 16" (the tray is 18 inches from the floor). I threw this together quickly last night just for 'proof of concept', but I am not going to finish it/level it/make it permanent until I know they can use the roost without issue.

I don't want to put it lower as I want to maintain the full length (40" for 4 hens) and if it were lower it would block the pop door. I could put the roost and tray on the wall to the right of the picture, but then the poop tray would have to go above the nest boxes (the are externally mounted and covered with plywood in the picture) and the ceiling is lower on that side so it would only leave about 12-14" from the roost to the roof and I've got two brahma's so that might be too short to be sure they can stay below the draft as coop is vented all the way around the top.

I may abandon the tray and just do sand and PDZ for the whole floor...time will tell! If anyone has any suggestions please share.

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This looks great, posted a thread question last night about PDZ, getting close to moving chicks in......I have virgin wood(never been pooped on yet) that im gonna paint tonight, 4x4 coop inside with nest boxes hanging out the side, two roosts coming across the middle, cant make up my mind what to use as litter, would PDZ work over the entire floor inside? how often would you need to do a complete change or is it like cat boxes add and scoop deal?
outside i have bare dirt with a bit of leveling sand from putting in predetor proof pavers for 4x10ft run foundation, any ideas?
I think the roost looks good where its at. Mine use the tray board to jump off of. Your tray is close to the wall but its not too high so it looks like it shouldwork great.

The sweet PZD is just like kitty litter, just add more as it is needed. You could use it on the entire floor but it may be quite expensive depending on the size of your coop. My two 8' trays cost $30 for 1/2-1" of PZD
OK ... I've tried 3 different searches for the words "in the brooder' in this thread and I can't find what I'm looking so I'm just going to post.

At the risk of being redundant - because I'm SURE that somewhere in here it's been discussed - can you use it in a brooder? Is it safe for chicks?? My brooder is a great big, plywood box on legs thing that I borrowed from a friend - and even cleaned out, it smelled a little before the chicks went in. It's about 3 1/2' x 5' and only has 8 chicks in it. They've been in there for 3 days now and it's GOT to be cleaned out tonight. I was thinking how nice it would be to simply scoop the poo instead of sweeping/shoveling/digging it out. And - added bonus - I could more easily monitor the baby poo since most of it now simply vanishes into the shavings.

Hi. You could try it in the brooder- i have thought of doing it myself. It is safe- The problem I see is how messy the chicks are with spilling water. Seems like the pdz would get wasted alot and the stuff is not cheap like pine shavings. Let us know how it goes if you try it!


I LOVE your painting idea!!! I'm yoinking it for my coop!! DH thought I was a little nutty when I said I was painting blue skies and poofy clouds in the coop... but he's going along with it
Sooooo, here's my older daughter (Leah, the artist) sprucing up my Happy Chickie Coop.... did the sunshine and puffy clouds today (these on the wall behind the perches. Grass and flowers will follow later on this week.
AHH! Love the sunny wall!

I think that I'm gonna hold off on putting pdz in the brooder. I thought I had gotten lucky with how tidy my girls were being - everyone had stories of how messy chicks were, but my prissy little princesses hadn't dumped anything or pooped in anything..... Until this morning. I opened up the brooder and the water was empty, the bedding was wet, the feeder was on it's side and they were all in a corner looking at me as if to say "What? We didn't do anything! It was like that when we got up this morning!" Oh well.
Cute daughter AND wall! I still haven't clear coated yet. I'm not going to do everything, just the sunflower (which I'll post today!)

As for mess... No one has shot poop onto my paints walls yet.
AHH! Love the sunny wall!

I think that I'm gonna hold off on putting pdz in the brooder. I thought I had gotten lucky with how tidy my girls were being - everyone had stories of how messy chicks were, but my prissy little princesses hadn't dumped anything or pooped in anything..... Until this morning. I opened up the brooder and the water was empty, the bedding was wet, the feeder was on it's side and they were all in a corner looking at me as if to say "What? We didn't do anything! It was like that when we got up this morning!" Oh well.

They are just like children! LOL At least they aren't pointing their feathers at each other to blame.

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