Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

Weather I read it on this thread or another.....someone said 8 ft of roost per 10 chickens, I wrote it down so I wouldnt forget it. If this isn't correct please let me know
I go out every night and close the pop holes, then I go inside.....I put everyone on the roost myself that isnt already there. I have a few stinkers that insist on sleeping in the nest box and several that lay on the dividing wall. Went out today and fixed the wall where they cant get up there. Took away the ladder to the roost (they dont need anymore) So, I'm anxious to see where everyone is tonight? They stay on the roost after I put them there....haha, it's dark, they have to....lol
Ok, I have to praise this post!!! I found it the other day, and started reading. About 20 some-odd pages in I just had to run out to TSC to see if they had any PDZ. They do, but were out of stock. so I went to the Northampton County Farm bureau and BAM!!! 40 lb bag for $19.03 with tax! I was so excited to get home and clean the coop and replace the messy shavings with the PDZ!! Before I was changing the shavings about every 3-5 days. The shavings were always in the feeders (the girls would not eat from a shavings-filled slot in their feeders) This already looks so much neater and cleaner, I can't wait to go and check it out tomorrow morning!

Check it out!!!! Happy Chickens!!! Happy Leslie!!!

I got this coop on Craigslist and made a few changes. There were three shelves of nesting boxes (a total of 12). I removed the top shelf completely, leaving the 2x4 for a roost. I then removed the nesting boxes from the second shelf....that is now my poop tray. This week I also put another roost directly in front (about three inches away from the poop tray....when they use this roost and face out (which they always do, the poop lands on the tray as well.) The remaining four nesting boxes are below the tray and I hung their water and food below that. I also put linoleum on the floor (I never had any problems with vinyl flooring). I also cut down the ramp to half its size....it doesn't take up as much room. There is also another 'room' I call the patio they can access with a small pop door and I can access with a regular size door. I put three roosts in there as well. I may redesign that space for a different roosting arrangement. My birds free range with plenty of acreage although they stay fairly close to their coop. We are painting the barn and coop barn red this summer.so more pics will follow. This coop is less than a year old. The guy (a carpenter) made it for his wife, neither of them ever had chickens before. It's fully insulated and wired with lights and heat lamps. Quite honestly, in all the years I've had chickens, I never used electricity in their coop. Anyway, his wife told me he had a fit the first time the chickens pooped inside the coop. Well, they decided they didn't want chickens anymore and I was able to get this coop for a song. I had to pay the guy $100. to deliver it though. It's well built and my chickies are very happy.
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Ok I got to page 19 looking for the answer to this question but then gave up and decided to post it myself so apologies if it has already been asked. I live in Australia does anyone know if there is an equivalent of the PDZ here? And if there is what it is called? Thanks in advance.

Also you guys have some awesome coops I need to fly some of you guys over here to make mine for me!!
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Love your coop, and I had to chuckle at why the carpenter gave up on chickens. My husband is very similar and also a carpenter, but the cleanliness and lack of odor and flies due to the poop boards and PDZ are making him more comfortable.

I don't know what they use in Australia, but they may have a product that is similar. Perhaps asking at a equine center, the product dries up the urine.
Love your coop, and I had to chuckle at why the carpenter gave up on chickens. My husband is very similar and also a carpenter, but the cleanliness and lack of odor and flies due to the poop boards and PDZ are making him more comfortable.
I don't know what they use in Australia, but they may have a product that is similar. Perhaps asking at a equine center, the product dries up the urine.

Ok I got to page 19 looking for the answer to this question but then gave up and decided to post it myself so apologies if it has already been asked. I live in Australia does anyone know if there is an equivalent of the PDZ here? And if there is what it is called? Thanks in advance.

Also you guys have some awesome coops I need to fly some of you guys over here to make mine for me!!
Cate: I would agree with Glasshen. If you can find a feed store, for livestock and farm animals they should have a product similar to the Sweet PDZ. My bag says its a mineral, that absorbs ammonia and help keeps horse stalls dry. so you need to hit up the horse/equine section of your feed store. you can also ask a salesperson if they can get the product in for you. it kinda looks like kitty litter, mine is in a granular form, but they also have it in powder form.

I hope we helped! Good luck!
cate0404- the whole name is sweet PDZ stall freshener , the mineral is zeolite- www.sweetpdz.com/, try the web site--I would call a horse product supplier in your area and find out what product they sale for in the stall use for urine/ammonia build up. Get the name and google them. There are several companies that put out a similar product. I prefer the granulated because of dust.
I am a real convert to PDZ on the poop board, I have used it for a couple of weeks now and I love it!

Now I'm contemplating getting more day old chicks. Is there any reason that anyone could think of not to use it as bedding in the brooder?
I am a real convert to PDZ on the poop board, I have used it for a couple of weeks now and I love it! 

Now I'm contemplating getting more day old chicks.  Is there any reason that anyone could think of not to use it as bedding in the brooder?

I have PDZ in a brooder with silkie and polish babies. Works great, especially
since the brooder is in our living room. I am using the granulated form,
which does get into the waterer like shavings do. Tina

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