Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

Reading all these pages I decided to try the sweet pdz but couldn't find it locally so I found zeolite through Azure Standard. It's granular and it's grey, all the pics here it looked white or off white?
Any thoughts on this- is it the same stuff??
Okay, so I can't seem to find the answer to this and if some folks could quote me with answers it'd be much appreciated.

My question is how much PDZ do you folks go through? I am thinking of keeping 5 Muscovy ducks and using leftover rabbit hay from large bales (since I can't use it all on the rabbits) as bedding as it composts well and heard it can even make an occasional snack for muscovy ducks.... I'd love to use this to keep the smell down (used to have cats and love litter) but I wanna know how much it's going to add to my monthly budget.

So how many chickens do you have... And how many lbs of PDZ do you go through a month? :O So I can guesstimate how much it'll set me back for using this with my ducks...!
Thats a hard question, I have 17, 12 week old chicks in the coop for at least a month and havent had to add more yet. I'm getting close to needing more but only because I only had a thin layer to start with; maybe a 1/2". I started with 120lbs for 16' of 24" boards (includes a corner so not quite 16'). I feed them fermented feed so their poop is not watery so very little PDZ sticks to the poo; not sure how that would compare to ducks.
Well, I went back through here, 'cause I thought I had seen something about these questions, but can't seem to find what I was looking for...three questions (sorry if they've been answered before):

(1) About to use my new brooder - babies arriving this week. Use PDZ in the brooder? I'm pretty sure I saw several people say they do, but dang it, old(er) age sometimes takes over with my brain...

(2) With the above question, and the fact that I've switched from hay for the house to pine shavings...mix some PDZ in with the shavings throughout the henhouse? This one seems to stick in my mind that shouldn't mix the shavings with PDZ...Or just in the bottom of the poop tray I'm about to add to things?

(3) See what I mean about the brain? I had three questions when I started typing, but can't remember the 3rd one!
By the way, I said old(er), not old! Hopefully, this one wasn't important!

Everyone have a great day, and God bless!
Well, I went back through here, 'cause I thought I had seen something about these questions, but can't seem to find what I was looking for...three questions (sorry if they've been answered before):

(1) About to use my new brooder - babies arriving this week.  Use PDZ in the brooder?  I'm pretty sure I saw several people say they do, but dang it, old(er) age sometimes takes over with my brain...:barnie

(2) With the above question, and the fact that I've switched from hay for the house to pine shavings...mix some PDZ in with the shavings throughout the henhouse?  This one seems to stick in my mind that shouldn't mix the shavings with PDZ...Or just in the bottom of the poop tray I'm about to add to things?

(3) See what I mean about the brain?  I had three questions when I started typing, but can't remember the 3rd one!  :confused:   By the way, I said old(er), not old!  Hopefully, this one wasn't important!

Everyone have a great day, and God bless!

I've been using PDZ in my living room brooder for about 3 weeks with success. It does get kicked into the water like shavings do. So, we've set the waterer up higher and that problem is solved.
I've been using PDZ in my living room brooder for about 3 weeks with success. It does get kicked into the water like shavings do. So, we've set the waterer up higher and that problem is solved.

Do you, or does anyone know, if the granular kind works better with regard to getting kicked around less?
How deep are your shelves/trays? I mean - front to back - how many inches? I'm trying to figure out if I can re-use the plywood that was on the backs of the old nest boxes (came with the shed) or if I'm going to need more.
holy crap those are pricey. but amish stuff is soooo nice. my first coop it not going to be pretty but it will be functional

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