Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

Reply to "andycowboy" - you might want to reconsider the pine shavings on the poop board and substitute sand as a filler to stretch the amount of DE and PDZ that you need. The reason is that you can't sift the pine shavings. Otherwise you can sift out the poop and you don't loose much of the DE, PDZ, or sand it just coats the poop.
Thanks, I will look for it there!
My chickens don't have a run yet, but I made them a dust bath and they don't seem to be using it! I finally caught 1 hen yesterday dust bathing--On the poop board!!
One of my girls is still using the poop board as a place to lay her eggs. But at least we always know where to look now. The other 3 that are currently laying use the nest box. Silly girl!
If you sift the poop on the board only a small bit of whats on the poop sticks. I use 1/3 DE, 1/3 DMZ, 1/3 sand and haven't added any for months. You don't loose much (I use the granulated DMZ) It just coats the poop with a fine coating that sucks the moisture and ammonia out of it and leaves it dry. I got a plastic sifter at the Dollar Store that has the right size holes to let the DE, DMZ & Sand thru but leaves the poop in the sifter....then I just dump it in my manure pile. When I sprinkle it in the goose pen I just hit the goose poop lightly and then rake it up and add it to the manure pile (using a snow shovel as a dust pan.) Keeps the goose poop smell down. My poop board as about 18" wide by 6 ft long and 1.5 "deep.
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