Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

Holy Cow! I checked the shipping on the Horse Fresh at the above listed web site. Great price on the Horse Fresh but the shipping is $34.99 to California where I live.
I'm really hoping that the feed store gets the shipment in this week. They've been having problems with their supplier!
We were able to pick up a 25# bag at our local feed store...I think it was about $12 or so. I looked online too, and the issue with getting stuff that weighs so much is always the shipping :( Seems it often costs more than the product! Sheesh.
Our roosts combined is about 22' - 23'. I have 15 ladies and a big proud roo. Ideally, give your chickens 6" - 18" depending on size. Usually, like my chickens, they will roost together and getclose to each other. So then they only use up about half of my roosts. I made some extra room in case I wnat to get some more birds. I haven't finished yet because my dad has the tools I need. I made the bottom of the poop catcher, as I call it, 30 in. wide, with the roost directly above the middle of the poop catcher. I have a larger coop so mine is pretty big. 15' is the length of my poop catcher.
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If I was you I would probably make my roost 4-5 ft, it could be a little smaller if you don't have room in your coop. I would probably make it 5 ft in case you decide you want to get a coulple more chickens. But if you're only going have 6 chickens, 4 ft. should be enough.
My 24 birds all snuggle together on 4' of roost and poop board 24"deep in 3-4 rows rather than spread out over the 16' I have provided (plus I have a 4' long by 1' wide ladder they can roost on). Fourteen are 25 weeks and 10 are 15 weeks so I'm hoping they'll spread out a bit when they get older but I'm not holding my breath lol.
I have been using the PDZ for several months and it is the best thing going! A co-worker was commenting to me about the noise of the flies in his coop and couldn't believe I didn't have a fly problem in mine. There is virtually no odor coming out of it either. I am extremely thankful to the OP for this thread! Flies gross me out more than almost anything else so I am a very happy chicken owner!

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