Pop Up Ads - Takeover Ads - Popup Advertising - Amazon Gift etc.


Free Ranging
5 Years
Nov 26, 2017
Southwest Idaho
I keep getting a pop up on my iPhone 8.
I use Google to get to BYC.
It started a couple of days ago.
Very annoying! :he
The most recent one was today at about 9:21pm MDT.
I took a screenshot.
I know it says amazon but I assure you it always happens when I’m on BYC.

I hope you guys can get rid of it! :fl

We appreciate our members reporting these annoying pop-up /takeover ads. We are constantly doing all we can to block them.

We work with many ad-networks, each of which has filters in place to try and keep these ads away. Unfortunately the spammers are always trying new tricks to get through the filters.

It's often a case of whack-a-mole with these sneaky ads. We report them, the ad networks remove them, then the spammers create new accounts and try again.

I've been talking to a few friends that also run large forums and they are seeing the same things. It seems the spammers are often trying to get their ads on mobile devices and also during the weekend when fewer staff are online to report / block the ads.

If you see these ads please try the following:
  1. Clear your browser cache & cookies, then see if that helps.
  2. If you keep getting the ads after clearing your cache , reply with a screenshot of the ad you are getting
  3. Reply with your device type / model: PC, phone (type), browser, etc.
Again, we hate these spam ads as much (maybe more) than anyone and appreciate your support and patience as we work to keep them off of our wonderful site!
Last edited:
I keep getting a pop up on my iPhone 8.
I use Google to get to BYC.
It started a couple of days ago.
Very annoying! :he
The most recent one was today at about 9:21pm MDT.
I took a screenshot.
I know it says amazon but I assure you it always happens when I’m on BYC.
View attachment 1455031

I hope you guys can get rid of it! :fl
This one has got me several times today. The ones "for the guests" also come up, which can be closed each time by clicking the X on it as soon as it starts popping up. This one, however, takes over the screen (am on android). If you close the window, it also closes the BYC window. If you try the back button instead, you get a screen full of "you're infected" with instructions (that I have NOT pursued).
UGH!!!! :he:mad:
Samsung s8 android OS running chrome browser.
That's good to know since we thought it was mostly isolated to iOS devices.

We're digging into the various networks (like Google, etc.) that supply ads to BYC and trying to find / remove the offending ads that slipped through their defense cracks.
When you click the back button enough times it will stop on this address. I don't know if this will help with tracking this annoyance down and stopping it.

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