Positioning eggs in incubator

Thanks I am studying as much on hatching turkeys as I can, I value you opions and there is a lot to read in these forums and I am reading as much as I can before turkeys start laying in spring. Looking forward to hatching some turkey eggs.
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I don't hatch turkeys any different than chicken eggs.

So if you have had a successful sequence doing them (chickens) you will be fine with turkey eggs.
I don't hatch turkeys any different than chicken eggs.

So if you have had a successful sequence doing them (chickens) you will be fine with turkey eggs.

That releaved some stress off of me because when I get turkey eggs I do not want anything going wrong. I do understand that shipped eggs are somewhat of a worry but if I get 25 to 30 percent to hatch I will be a happy man and my granddaughters will love it as much as I will.
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I usually incubate eggs with the pointy end down, then lay them on their sides for lockdown. Does anyone lay the eggs on their side in the turning tray, day 1-18? It seems more natural like it would be underneath a hen.

Its not needed to lay them on their side in the turning tray. Laying them on their side is the way most do after taking them out the turner. Its according to what you want to do and feel is best for you. Some as mentioned hatch their eggs standing in cartons, others like me hatch them laying down----sure some of the eggs get rolled around but that has never effected my hatch.
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I incubate in trays that only allow for the eggs to lay on their sides. It is the natural position of the egg even in the nest.

Then again I never have incubated shipped eggs.
Do you have a good success rate with shipped eggs.

It varies. i have had some near 100% hatches and others that were 0%, and I had a batch show up that all the eggs were literally scrambled within the egg so that was obviously a 0% hatch. The funny thing is that batch only came from a couple hundred miles away, whereas my best one was something like 600 miles away. I still try to buy from as close as possible, but now I know that isn't the only contributing factor to a bad batch of shipped eggs. My closest egg order arrived poorly packed and smashed in with three broken eggs. Yolk and white was all over the remaining 9. I managed to hatch 3 (all cockerels lol).

I do definitely recommend hatching eggs that aren't shipped for you first try or two, to get the hang of it. Shipped eggs can be stressful because they are usually something you really really want and probably paid quite a bit for.
Going into lockdown tomorrow at midnight. The bottom of incubator has crisscross pattern, a plastic grate type of thing. Is it safe for chicks to walk on that? Im assuming so because why would they use that in incubator if not but want to be sure. leaving eggs in an egg carton to hatch upright.
Going into lockdown tomorrow at midnight. The bottom of incubator has crisscross pattern, a plastic grate type of thing. Is it safe for chicks to walk on that? Im assuming so because why would they use that in incubator if not but want to be sure. leaving eggs in an egg carton to hatch upright.

Yes it is but I cover mine in that nonslip drawer liner stuff that is sort of spongy feeling.

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