Positive thoughts needed for Willow


9 Years
May 5, 2010
Chickaloon, Alaska

Willow... overcoming the odds of an enlarged heart... he is still with us 13 months longer than the vets gave him!

Let's see what the power of POSITIVE THOUGHTS and PRAYERS can do for Willow. Light a candle, bend a knee,,,, whatever you believe. He's have a VERY rough time... actually WE are having a rougher time than he is, as he is just resting, but he's had a second episode of some sort.

We're not ready... are we ever? No matter what we do or how we prepare, are we ever??

Thanks in advance to those who care.

We love ya Willow!

PS: Please don't tell me to take him to the vet, we've done that and there's nothing more to be done. He will be with us, comfortable, at home.
Thoughts and prayers are with your family. Your buddy is beautiful and brave. I have a 14yo who is slowing down and turning gray. I'm just trying to enjoy what time we have left.
We have nine dogs right now of varying ages. I told Sam when we lost Dakota that we still have to do this... NINE MORE TIMES. And we will and it won't be easy, but it's what we do for thier love and companionship. We've been through a few already, Dakota who was Willow's dad, Ladie who was his Gramma, Buck who was the mellowest Lab ever, a previous Ladie and always... Lance, the wolfdog.

Willow is only 6 years old.
He's more adorable in person..
We've had a rough haul with him, tho the past month has been the worst so far.


Now one of the other dogs isn't eating... Norman, the Iditarod sled dog that retired with us... but he has more of an excuse than Willow... he's old.
Healing thoughts and prayers for your beautiful willow:hugs.I have a 12 year old cat with an enlarged heart,I feel your pain.Glad he is at home with his loving family.Please. give him a big hug from me.

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