Post office killed my chicks. I am in shock. pics - graphic

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Oy. My brother just got bit by a dog on his route two days ago, too. I love my job, but so not looking forward to the dogs. (And I was never afraid of dogs until I started working for the P.O *sigh*)
Ok, I called and made a complaint at the main 800 number. I have a case number and they said that someone would call me in the next business day. I was also getting worried because I hadn't heard from my husband... scared he was in jail! Actually, he is so mild mannered and sweet, but he was ticked off this morning. He spoke with the head of our post office and basically she said she would check into it.

I should have called them. Next time I will. I just thought that since we were HERE and because our normal postal person had called last time, that we wouldn't have to. I feel really stupid.

And honestly, I don't expect people to not be afraid of our dogs. They are big dogs. Strangers don't know they won't hurt you. As I said, normally our gate is shut. I just had it open because my mom is coming over this morning and she hates the gate.

But I did expect a call. SOMETHING.
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The man that shipped me my live chicks put a label on my chicks box with my phone number saying to call this number immediatly upon arrival!

Maybe suggest that next time....or...IDK..maybe that was on your box?

I think if they are scared of the dogs then they would stay IN their vehicle and honk honk honk honk for someone and then if no answer...leave those little "notes" that says "you have a package at the PO" in your mailbox.
call anyway...until you get resolution.

Squeaky wheel, you know.

I am so sorry this happened. It is awful.
I'm so sorry this happened, I would have been ticked off too. I got mad one time because my mail lady left a very light and thin box on my vehicle, reported it, and she got "talked to". She apoligised to me, and I thought we'd have problems after that, but we've gotten to kinda "know" each other, as much as you can when they stop for a minute or so. I've given her eggs, soap and lotion, and she's even stopped back by before when I needed a few more minutes to get an order ready. Today I got an egg delivery and she was asking if my last egg shipment hatched yet, and I told her they were due to hatch this weekend and she wanted me to let her know how it goes. She's great

I hope you get this worked out. The PO should have to pay to replace the shipment. Period.
Im so sorry for your loss.
Never give up and never surrender.
I would talk to anyone and everyone and I would take pictures with me and make eveyone look at them , if you have ot send in paper work send pictures , sometimes you ahve to show them what it was like humans can be very callous and if it isnt right in front of there face they have an easer time blowing it off.
Good luck
No live animals in a cardboard box should be left on a doorstep, period. Dogs, cats, and all sorts of wildlife roam during the say. I do think this is the fault of the P.O. That wasn't a box of stuffed animals in there. I would never in my life have left a box of live chicks on someone's doorstep if I had to take them home with me.
I understand that part but , lets say you bought a new car and had it deleverd to your home and you had a pond, would it be responsble of the person to drop your new car off in the pond . eh no.
They need to make shure the packages are semi safe esepcally if there live animals , though you should make shure if youre getting a delivery that you have an area safe for the deleivery as well.
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