Post office killed my chicks. I am in shock. pics - graphic

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Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. That is terrible. Poor baby chicks.
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I got an order from Cackle today too....right under my address in all caps is "POST MASTER CALL UPON ARRIVAL" and both my cell and home phone number is on the box. The Mail Carrier, didn't follow instructions....plain and simple.

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There's always one.

The postal delivery person was not scared of the dogs who were properly contained in my yard. We live in the country on a lot of acreage. The entire property is fenced. The gate was open this morning so that my mom could come in. However, my dogs were STILL on the property like they were supposed to be.

The postal carrier got out, walked up to the porch and left the box of live chicks on the ground. Clearly not afraid of the dogs. There was no honk of the car horn.

On the carton of chicks, it clearly says for them to call us upon arrival. Which is what my normal postal carrier does. This particular carrier did not. It is VERY MUCH this particular postal workers fault.

And as a teacher? Yes, I do pretty much go beyond the call of duty on a daily basis. Both with my time, money and my heart.
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And there you have it ksacres. They did not call, they did not do their job. The dogs killed the chicks because they did not call. The dogs killed the chicks because they did not do their job.

OP, I'm very sorry. Please do raise a stink about this as it was TOTALLY the po's fault.
Box clearly states CALL UPON ARRIVAL

PO fault, PO replacement.

End of story.
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I didn't know that the mail carrier had to call people just because someone writes it on a box
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