Post pics of stock from Ideal Poultry please !!

I thought I'd update on my pullets today, well the half that I could get catch today. They are 16 weeks old.

"Red Cochin" - is neither red, nor looks like a Cochin really. It was white legs and only feathering in the outer toe. Looks like a buff Orpington cross buff Cochin really, or cross New Hampshire. Very friendly though.

Silver spangled Hamburg- really pretty birds but very nervous/flighty. I'm happy with them though.

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Here are the rest of them.

"Barnevelders" - I was really disappointed with these, especially after seeing pictures of other barnevelders in this thread. I posted earlier on a different thread wondering why they looked so different and we concluded one was a definite welsummerXbarnevelder (plain chest) and the other was a probable WyandotteXbarnevelder (single laced)
( this is the single laced pullet, probably Co/co because she has some poor double laced feathers on her back, but chest is completely single laced)
( welsummerXbarnevelder. She has more of a partridge pattern on her back than double lace and a plain breast like a welsummer, black head and hackle most likely from being Ml/ml instead of Ml/Ml)

Standard Partridge Cochin - I really like her, good feathering down the middle toe, cushion is starting to come in, very friendly. She's a bit small but she might keep growing. Overall happy this her

Standard white Cochin - I've had these in the past and was happy with them, as I am with this one. Good leg and feet feathering down the middle toe, cushion starting to come in, a little small (bigger than the partridge) but they are both still growing. She overly friendly to the point of being annoying at time lol.

This is a picture of my other white Cochin I got from Ideal, she was my favorite and massive with great leg and feet feathering

Standard buff Cochin - I had these the same time as my previous white Cochin. They were good, leg and feet feathering were a little lighter than the other Cochins I have and had, but I was happy with them. They were not as big as my white
(flew onto the roof and started pulling out shingles, bad chicken)

Standard Blue Cochin - I'm really happy with her. She's huge already, massive amounts of feathers everywhere, fantastic leg and foot feathering. Can't wait until she's full grown. She's not as friendly as the other Cochins and tends to shy away unless I have treats, unlike the hamburg that won't come close at all.

Silver and gold laced standard Cochins- I had these with my buffs and white, they were the same size as the buff, smaller than the white. Leg and feet feathering weren't as full as some of the birds I have now. Cushion wasn't great, probably had some Wyandotte in them down the line to improve lacing,but friendly and pretty.

*all of my cochins would have been pictured with fuller feathers on their feet if they would stop scratch gravel all day and breaking them :barnie
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Bought 6 EE pullets from a local feed store who gets their chicks from ideal. All are doing great considering one has a crossed-beak (who is probably one of the most active ones) and one was attacked by a fox and was thrown around like a rag doll a few weeks back
. She is okay now though which is good.
updated pics of some of my ideal birds.

White crested blue Polish bantam cockerel around 6 weeks old and fully feathered. He has crowed a few times.
I've named him Olak which I got from the movie appocalypto.

Porcelain d'uccles around 6 weeks old and fully feathered.

Here are the porcelain d'uccles today at a little over 2 months old you can see their feather pattern coming in. Their feathers look weird cause it's raining today and they're a bit wet.
Haven't named these until I can sex them. They're the best mistake ever. I was trying to pick out cochins from the banty bin lol. They're really sweet and friendly.

Ideal 236 pullet. She's super friendly and I've named her bunny! They're not caged that's just a piece of fence leaning up against a chicken run. They are free ranging with my big girls.

Need to get recent pics of the 2 cochins and 2 bronze turkeys. It started raining today when I was out with the camera.
I thought I'd update on my pullets today, well the half that I could get catch today. They are 16 weeks old.

"Red Cochin" - is neither red, nor looks like a Cochin really. It was white legs and only feathering in the outer toe. Looks like a buff Orpington cross buff Cochin really, or cross New Hampshire. Very friendly though.

Silver spangled Hamburg- really pretty birds but very nervous/flighty. I'm happy with them though.

I thought I'd update on my pullets today, well the half that I could get catch today. They are 16 weeks old.

"Red Cochin" - is neither red, nor looks like a Cochin really. It was white legs and only feathering in the outer toe. Looks like a buff Orpington cross buff Cochin really, or cross New Hampshire. Very friendly though.

Silver spangled Hamburg- really pretty birds but very nervous/flighty. I'm happy with them though.


Could that possibly be a buff brahma?
I'm so excited, ordered my first batch from Ideal yesterday! 9 female chicks from the Bantam Special. Hoping to get them Thursday as their due to ship Wednesday, 7/08/15. However, I am concerned with the packing peanuts. I already have two feisty roosters, and can't afford anymore. Any advice or ideas on what I can do with the little ones?
My personal experience with ideal is they ship on Tuesday and they arrive on Thursday. Expect an email around 6 pm confirming shipment. I'm not sure how you were able to get pullets from their bantam special as I don't recall ideal sexing bantams. I've always had to order 25 to get the special price too.

Put the peanuts on Craigslist for free. Somebody usually grabs them pretty quickly in my experience.

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