Post pics of stock from Ideal Poultry please !!

if you have bought silkies from ideal, were only the buffs bad quality, because the grey, red,self blue and white look fine. because if its only the buffs are bad quality i might take a chance and get the mix silkies?? what do u think
if you have bought silkies from ideal, were only the buffs bad quality, because the grey, red,self blue and white look fine. because if its only the buffs are bad quality i might take a chance and get the mix silkies?? what do u think

I bought 6 reds from Ideal. I have already lost 2 at 9 weeks. They simply didn't grow like the others. Very small and shy, and they just stopped eating. (and yes, I tried vitamins ect ect...nada. They live in their own coop, upstairs in the barn always clean and warm, 2 seperate food and water dishes so they don't miss out.....and, there's no outside influence) Same can be said of the blk Langshans I bought from Ideal, who lived in the spare bedroom for 8-10 wks...I bought 8, I only have 1 left...
Yes, I also have strict bio-hazard practices... even to changing my shoes for each coop/pen.

The survivors are friendly and sweet. But, they are all only pet quality, not even close to show. That's fine for me as I enjoy them as they are, but you might want to consider finding a breeder for your purchase or a different hatchery.​
I have bought all those colors from Ideal just for color projects, and all looked like buzzards when they grew up, very , very poor quality, little to no foot feathering, just a few shoots of hair for a crest, lots of hard feathers in tail and wings, I just gave them all away, (the few that survived, weak chicks is another issue too) Anyway, they are great people, but their silkies are trash, dont get them if you have any plans other than yard birds for them, cause that's all they are. Look threw the various threads on here about them and you'll find this to be the rule rather than the exception on their silkies....Oh and out of 50 or so, not the first one was bearded either, even though they say they are both bearded and non bearded, I have yet to get one that was.....
Still, once again, a great HATCHERY, but please dont expect more than that out of them or you will be disappointed
Of our silkies one died from predation one was dead at 6 monthes and the rest are a year old or older and doing great. All are on the small side and 2 have lovely natural poofs no hard feathers. The only red has a little poof and not great leg feathers but she makes up for it in personality
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I order ducklings from them all the time... I do taxidermy, keep the ones that die, Keep 2 or 3 for myself and then sell the ones that don't. I wish I had your luck... last time I think I lost one....
Anybody have pics of Welsummers or Barnvelders from IDEAL? Are those mottle cochin pullets bantams or LF? They look prett. Were they more white or less white when you got them?

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