Post pics of stock from Ideal Poultry please !!

just ordered 20 birds from ideal thanks you guys/girls for all the reviews and pictures that helped me to decide to order from them. Also good to know they can ship to alaska i have some friends there that are having trouble getting any breeders to send eggs , chicks or adults out there. thanks again everyone!
Got my chicks yeay! 3 died though, my only red cochin and 2 of my danish leghorns. Ideal was great though they put the money back instantly! So it only took 36 hrs to get here. I will post pics as soon as I get batteries for my camera.
ordered 20 birds all arrived safe happy and healthy
among them :

8 cochin bantams
2 minorcas
2 black jersey giants
2. wyandottes gold and silver laced
2 MF d'uccles
2 orpingtons
2 ameraucanas

Mf d'uccle

what i believe is one of my Minorcas

one of the amercaunas



a giant or minorca

self blue/lavender cochin bantam

So cute Warrenhound!!! Go to anymore shows lately? Miss your puppy avatar, but that chick pic is great also
the last one i went to we recieved best puppy and BOS and were put in the owner handler hound group we didnt place but good experience hope i can show chickens at some point and Thank you i adore these chicks XD
Got chicks in today.. :( A friend of mine had chicks shipped out on the same day and all of her's made it to Alaska safely, mine however were not so lucky. I lost several, due to their flight taking them from Texas, all the way to Honolulu, Hawaii :( A couple were missing from the box and two of the babies I got have defective legs (not spraddle leg). They literally have legs that are bent at the joints and are flat causing them to either be in a constant sitting position or falling flat on their faces. They can't walk :( I'm going to take them to my vet to be seen as he does see birds and see if he can do anything for the little dears :( It's sad too because I had such a beautiful variety of birds and will be calling Ideal in the morning. Sad I lost so many ;( I'll post pictures of who did make it, and honestly wonder if the drastic climate changes in their travel had something to do with it. We aren't terribly cold here. Today it was 45 when the chicks came in.

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