Post Pics of your Leghorns

I think she is a very nice looking pullet, Alaskan !!

Thank you! :D

Here is a group shot. One Wyandotte snuck in, but the rest are my young rose comb dark brown leghorn.

They look pretty quiet, what is their overall disposition ??
Where are they as far as egg production ??
I have always been a fan of the Rose comb !! John
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They look pretty quiet, what is their overall disposition ??
Where are they as far as egg production ??
I have always been a fan of the Rose comb !! John

Actually, this spring is my first time with them. I got rose comb dark browns and rose comb whites, both from the same breeder. He shipped eggs to me that I incubated.

Their personality is very "leghorn", so active and curious.

I just can't wait to see how well they lay! Mine are something like two or three months old. Someone in that pen (all close to the same age) is crowing now, but I haven't caught them in the I do not know which one, and I have other breeds in there.
Just got done reviewing this thread. Nice looking birds.
For those of you with mixed flocks, can I ask what you have, and how well do your leghorns fit into the mix? I started 3 RCBL pullet chicks this spring, and they are in a flock of same age Dominique, BSL (EE x PBR) with the older birds being RIR, BSL, EE. I was amazed at the frequent pics of broody leghorns. Obviously, those biddies never read the literature that says they don't go broody!
Just got done reviewing this thread. Nice looking birds.
For those of you with mixed flocks, can I ask what you have, and how well do your leghorns fit into the mix? I started 3 RCBL pullet chicks this spring, and they are in a flock of same age Dominique, BSL (EE x PBR) with the older birds being RIR, BSL, EE. I was amazed at the frequent pics of broody leghorns. Obviously, those biddies never read the literature that says they don't go broody!

I have got a quad of WH's and they fit in wonderfully with my other chickens. The two oldest hens never bully new comers (they are the queens), merely just show them once that they are boss. My youngest WL pullet is at the bottom of the pecking order but she isn't bullied nor bullies back. My WL rooster is SO kind. He accepts everyone, even rival males lol and he isn't harsh on the hens.

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