*Post pictures of your duck pen/coop!!* :)

hey at least your DH doesn't throw up a hand and say "i don't care & don't want to hear it" at the MENTION of your birds....
hey at least your DH doesn't throw up a hand and say "i don't care & don't want to hear it" at the MENTION of your birds....

That's awful!
I wouldn't handle that well!
I basically get the same, just different words lol I hate when i try to do it myself (build or think of something) and spend so much time trying till the next thing you know its dark & THE DAM BUGS START COMING OUT(CRICKETS SPIDERS ect.. Yes a MAJOR Fear of crickets & spiders)
I would waste so much time trying just to have it be a waste of time then i get sooooooo mad. Like everything i try to do is so rigged/not good that its such a chore to even just water the animals...CLIMB OVER THIS.. CLIMB OVER THAT.. GO BACK OVER THERE TO TURN WATER ON.. THEN BACK OVER TO TURN IT OFF..WATER SPRAYING & LEAKING FROM THE HOSE ALL OVER ME.. HOSE ALL TWISTED. ~ & did i mention standing in the rain, so cold my fingers would ache they were so cold from trying to make shelter for my chickens then shelter for my ducks with tarps, stakes in the ground, siding, more tarps, cardboard everything & anything i could find. lol AND THE STUPIDEST THING IS I COULD HAVE & SHOULD HAVE JUST ORDERED SOMETHING OFF THE INTERNET. Thats where I'm at now...Ready to place an order.
lmao ~Julie~
Oh... and "DH" stands for...Dumb Husband/Hubby or Dam Husband/Hubby
~Julie~ }}in my opinion! lol edited to say... I'm just kidding, well kinda, a little bit. lol I Love him & he does a lot for me and 100% for the kids. It's just... well.. you know... lol
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is that a snake in the photo?? it just caught my eye

That would be an incredibly large snake if it were.....probably swallow a duck whole.
Nope, it's the hose for our sump pump.
This is really a work in progress.


Tomorrow I hope to put a horizontal door where it is currently boarded up so I can open it up and let some light in during the day.

However the ducks usually venture out during the day.


I have a 6x1 round galvanized container on the way to replace that small tub of water, I'll put that galvanized container back behind where the shed is, they are usually over there under that tree anyways.

It's too dark now, but I'll try to take and post a picture of what it looks like on the inside tomorrow.

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