*Post pictures of your duck pen/coop!!* :)

I do have an Indian runner. This is my first winter and I've been trying to make sure I do everything right. I still need to get them set up with heated water. I might also get a heater for their small kiddie pool too.

Heated buckets are awesome I cannot say enough about them, For about 5 yrs I use to have to go out muliple times daily and top off buckets with hot water beat the ice open now gosh It's just so nice to make sure they have plenty of water in their buckets but not to have to take a hammer to them. [the buckets not the ducks] lol

What ever you decide on for heating their pool which I don't do I just put them up for winter, since by then my spring is frozen solid. be sure they can't burn themselves on it you know how they like to mouth everything.
I was going to put a heating lamp in my duck house too ... I don't have Indian runners but I have two ancona one white crested and one blue swedish so 4 in total ... this is their first time outside and they have been molting their teenage feathers .. their 12 weeks old and it gets about 40degreesF here at night give or take a few degrees... during the day it's like 70 here in Florida... it's my first time with ducks what do u think I should do
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I was going to put a heating lamp in my duck house too ... I don't have Indian runners but I have two ancona one white crested and one blue swedish so 4 in total ... this is their first time outside and they have been molting their teenage feathers .. their 12 weeks old and it gets about 40degreesF here at night give or take a few degrees... during the day it's like 70 here in Florida... it's my first time with ducks what do u think I should do

I wouldn't even worry about 40 degrees. That was our high yesterday and mine were fine
I also have 5 muscovy ducklings that r currently inside until their feathered should I be concerned for them in the future
I also have 5 muscovy ducklings that r currently inside until their feathered should I be concerned for them in the future

Because of your location I really don't think you have anything at all to worry about. I'm in TX and we tend to get a handful of freezing days a year and I have a 3 sided coop. Most of the country sees snow and lots of freezing days where we don't and have to deal with 100+ degree days instead. Your coop will be plenty warm without any extra heat. They have down and are protected from the wind and drafts and they do have each other. Alaskan is in Alaska so very different than FL
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