Post your Chick Pictures Here!!!

That's egg-actly what i thought, i thought my wife was pulling my leg until i got home and heard them myself. They were born March 16th, they aren't even 2 months old. But i have discovered through research that some of my Barred Rocks are not BR's at all,
Well, where did yours come from? I hope mine are all correctly identified by breed and sex... One of mine comes from a farm, the rest are from a hatchery in Ohio. Fingers and toes are crossed...

If they've grown up together let them work out the picking order. When I've have had multiple roo's ( up to 9) The only time they would really get into it was during the spring. Usually you'd have the top roo and top hen and the rest work it out. Sometimes I'd break it up usually by touching one of them or putting out some scatch grains. Once I had two hatch mates who were tight and never really fought but were separated due to one got injuried(by my dog) when he had recovered I let him out to be with the chickens. I looked out a few minutes later, what a mess blood everywhere. They treated each other like total strangers and fought. They hated each other from that day on. One lived in the coop with the hens the other hung around and never allowed near the hens or in the coop. It was a shame.
That is w
If they've grown up together let them work out the picking order.  When I've have had multiple roo's ( up to 9)  The only time they would really get into it was during the spring.  Usually you'd have the top roo and top hen and the rest work it out. Sometimes I'd break it up usually by touching one of them or putting out some scatch grains.  Once I had two hatch mates who were tight and never really fought but were separated due to one got injuried(by my dog)  when he had recovered I let him out to be with the chickens.  I looked out a few minutes later, what a mess blood everywhere. They treated each other like total strangers and fought.  They hated each other from that day on.  One lived in the coop with the hens the other hung around and never allowed near the hens or in the coop.  It was a shame.

Exactly what I am afraid of. Like siblings when they go their separate ways, and to missquote Thomas Wolfe, you can never go back. If I separate them I discovered they will never get along again. Trued with other roos and so looking for solutions. Thank you for confirming that. Decided this afternoon my Mother's day is best spent building Chix Condos to put in corners of Ft. Chix. For the smallest of roos. So there will be only one roo per Chicken coop. Still working on my Chick Coupe. DeVille that is. I have more than one roo of the same kind but now I am going to haft to separate them all. Some others are miss behaving but mostly they are getting bigger an tails longer so I will separate the Phoenix and Chocolate Orp Bantams. My Ohiki are very docile and not giving problems except for those two duckwings. Tye Phoenix Bantams are no problems but I have now noticed the Phoenix are getting testy so I will make Chix Condos and empty out several houses to separate those that are getting a tad bit testy with eachother. I noticed the Phoenix and phoenix Fly-Tie were running around out side their hutch and pen, they were in the yard and they bumped chests. And had not done that in the fenced in pens and hutches. The weather is getting warmer up here in the mountains and that may have something to do with it. Oh, the ones not having problems I think I will keep together with each other. They seem to enjoy each others company. And my husband says since they are the same make and model they should be ok.
I have a whole instagram for my chickens I just started. @exningschickens feel free to follow and say hello!

Everyone's chicks are so adorable! I will be posting some pix later as right now I am on my tablet, and surprisingly its not full of chicken pics. At least not YET. Lol!
My 2 silved laced wyandotte bantams.

Pics on the left were taken today at just over a week old, pics on the right only a few days old.

I have a bet on that the lighter coloured one (standing on the left) is a rooster. Let's see what happens when they get older!

Ps/ my pooch is not 100% convinced on these new things stealing all the attention away from him.

Well, where did yours come from? I hope mine are all correctly identified by breed and sex... One of mine comes from a farm, the rest are from a hatchery in Ohio. Fingers and toes are crossed...

Mine came from a friend that ordered them from some one off the internet, don't know who. I understood him to say they were all Barred Rocks, but I saw a photo of the ones he kept and they are also mixed. I got them cheap enough, real cheap, so i am not complaining.

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