Post your Chick Pictures Here!!!

thats awesome! sooooo my qiuestion would be can you free range or do they need fencing
DEFIANTLY fencing. Since they can run 35 miles an hour, and if they run into the street all 120 lbs and 6 feet of them,and hit a car..that would be very grizzly. Yeah, I haven't heard of anyone letting them free range, But that WOULD be fun letting them stroll around. I sort of wish I could.
That is so cool and the color of that egg is awesome! I have thought about what it would be like to raise Emu. I'm am moving in 2 months to expand my operation and I might think harder about it now.
What is it like to raise Emu? Is it like raising super big chickens?
Well I'm a newbie with emus as well, my advice wont be expert lol. But they aren't really like chickens. If you raise them as chicks and spend time with them growing up, they are WAAAAAY more friendlier and chickens, more active (at least as chicks) always running around. they take much longer to mature ( up too 2 years) they take a lot more space then chickens (about the same you would need for a pony).
OK... I am supposed to be getting all hens... in case a mistake has been made, when does a rooster generally begin to crow? I would need to re home if we got one, which shouldn't be a problem, but I would like to know when they start crowing.
OK... I am supposed to be getting all hens... in case a mistake has been made, when does a rooster generally begin to crow?  I would need to re home if we got one, which shouldn't be a problem,  but I would like to know when they start crowing.
They start crowing all different times. We always eat the roos we don't want or need.
OK... I am supposed to be getting all hens... in case a mistake has been made, when does a rooster generally begin to crow? I would need to re home if we got one, which shouldn't be a problem, but I would like to know when they start crowing.
What breed do you have, it's different clicks for different chicks, My Barred rocks started trying at 6 weeks, now at 7 weeks they are getting it down pretty good, just not loud like when they get grown.
Oh my, that is early.. the earlier the better because I wouldn't want the kids to get too attached before we give it away. I will have:
Crested Cream Legbar
Easter Egger
Black Australorp
Unknown egg layer

Pray for all hens... for all of us who need them :)


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