post your chicken coop pictures here!




I just finished mine this weekend. I thought it was pretty cool until I saw all of these!!!
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we did the camper coop 4 years ago, just down sized it this year as the other one had a leak we could not find and mold set in so we got a smaller one.

the front part had a fence so we could keep mommies and babies in there, then we built the one next to it to get them out away from the mold, i still have to paint the one we just got, but the inside is fine, has nothing in it so we just had to build the nests and roost.
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I'm thinking if I needed to add shade cloth I'd add cup hooks and use the grommets on cup hooks hanging from the roof. Tarps work! When we had the "ranch" our llama/goat "condos" were cattle panel shelters covered in tarps. The tarps lasted typically 3 years in the shade before they degraded although we did buy good ones. Our storms here are severe so tarps only work if they are "tight" against a structure roof and yes the sun destroys most anything plastic, etc.

On the fun side I think if I can find an iron shabby chic chandelier I'm hanging it in the know something painted white, green or yellow gold and silly but not cutesy. There's a deep yellow gold 1/2 an old wood ladder up against the left side now with pots of flowers on it and the roost in the run is the same green as the chairs. If it doesn't cost anymore to be a little fun why not!

Tarps here last a year.... No shade except what the tarp is providing... and Yes Stretched very very tight... Grow some Kale the chickens love it and its very very hearty.

Our first coop 8x12
Second coop 10x16 set in place with the original in the background. We have 80% of the 2nd coop done on the inside, and will be starting the run portion of it soon. Posthole digger, uuugh.
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hehe grow kale.....growing anything in this sun and hard black clay means raised beds and a lot of water etc. just isn't worth it. However once our crazy digging pyrenees
Wally (he digs to get cool) is no longer with us I hope to put in some raised beds (want to grow fall/winter veggies like brussels and also grow grapes and blackberries (both of which are happy in our sun and soil).

I agree in the sun tarps would only last a summer. The sunbrella shade cloth will last very well even in the sun. The llama condos were built on our ranch/land which was acres of oak woods further east Texas.

I'm also thinking about a good place to build a small coop next to this one for a couple of silkies, polish, sultan and/or seramas. I just really dislike low coops like chicken tractors, hard on the back etc. :) Could put a silkie and polish in with the girls, but might be better to just build a mini run coop for 3 fun bantams. But I'm also thinking about building good chicken tractors and selling them. Just have to come up with the perfect chicken tractor plan for Texas, maybe a mini like mine......hmmmmmm something that will fit in a pickup bed.
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hehe grow kale.....growing anything in this sun and hard black clay means raised beds and a lot of water etc. just isn't worth it. However once our crazy digging pyrenees
Wally (he digs to get cool) is no longer with us I hope to put in some raised beds (want to grow fall/winter veggies like brussels and also grow grapes and blackberries (both of which are happy in our sun and soil).

I agree in the sun tarps would only last a summer. The sunbrella shade cloth will last very well even in the sun. The llama condos were built on our ranch/land which was acres of oak woods further east Texas.

I'm also thinking about a good place to build a small coop next to this one for a couple of silkies, polish, sultan and/or seramas. I just really dislike low coops like chicken tractors, hard on the back etc. :) Could put a silkie and polish in with the girls, but might be better to just build a mini run coop for 3 fun bantams. But I'm also thinking about building good chicken tractors and selling them. Just have to come up with the perfect chicken tractor plan for Texas, maybe a mini like mine......hmmmmmm something that will fit in a pickup bed.

I am going to pm you because people get upset with me going off topic.

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