post your chicken coop pictures here!

Greetings @Meg3613
Welcome to BYC! Lookin' good so far!
We just finished our first coop. We still have to finish the door design and some painting. Here's the "Whoop Coop" build entirely from construction yard scrap material. I may two opening doors for easy cleaning and collecting. Since this is our first coop I'm totally open to suggestions .
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We just finished our first coop. We still have to finish the door design and some painting. Here's the "Whoop Coop" build entirely from construction yard scrap material. I may two opening doors for easy cleaning and collecting. Since this is our first coop I'm totally open to suggestions .
Ventilation? And there really isn't much room in there with all those roosts. They are too close together. You need to give the birds room to maneuver. At least a foot in between. They seem pretty narrow, as well.
Ventilation? And there really isn't much room in there with all those roosts. They are too close together. You need to give the birds room to maneuver. At least a foot in between. They seem pretty narrow, as well.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm adding a large wire mesh window today, actually. After seeing the hens roost yesterday I realized that there are too many roosting bars. I'm going to remove two and move the other two to leave more space. Thanks for the suggestions! What board width do you use?
I use branches at least 4 inches in diameter and 2x4s wide side up. You need vents to be on opposite sides for air flow, and they need to be above roosting height to help remove ammonia and moisture from the coop.
We just finished our first coop. We still have to finish the door design and some painting. Here's the "Whoop Coop" build entirely from construction yard scrap material. I may two opening doors for easy cleaning and collecting. Since this is our first coop I'm totally open to suggestions .
Well done for using recycled materials! Looks good and easy maintenance. Looks like they'll be free ranging during the day?

A few thoughts:
You might notice is that they decide to roost in the nesting boxes because they are placed up higher.
With that size coop, you'll probably only have 2-3 chickens (although it depends on the actual size, which is hard to tell on a pic)?
So you could get away with perhaps 2 nestboxes.

You might want to install an 'egg door' inside of the bigger door so you can look for eggs w/o opening up a whole side.

What ventilation do you have? Depending on where you live in Texas, you could conceivably have one whole side out of 1/2" hardware cloth, on the protected side from wind and rain. At least I'd consider installing long openings up high, with 1/2" hardware cloth behind them.
Then you could eliminate the highest roost or two (you won't need more than two, probably) and lower the nest boxes.
I have a smaller coop like yours, and my nest boxes are under the main roost, with a poop board as the nest box roof.
And with the extra openings up high, you'd get ventilation, but not drafts directly on them.

They do tend to need at least some roosts that are wide enough to rest on. Chickens don't grip, they stand on the roost and side on their feet in cold weather to keep them warm. So you'd want 2x4's on their side, or a 3-4" branch.

Very well built; the coop looks solid!
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