Post Your Chocolates, Dun ,Khaki , Platinum Bird Pics

Danny, I love your chocolate duns!

Here are some of my young Serama's. They will finish maturing and feather out nicer. Henk, please correct me if I have these incorrect. The chocolates are from my chocolate carrier rooster. The lighter pullet is out of my blue wheaten rooster and pumpkin hen.

blue?, looks chocolate some days blue the others.

dun or possibly pumpkin diluter plus blue

chocolate with red leakage

chocolate mottled/frizzled serama pullet



chocolate mottled

I am getting a "lot" of eggs now. I hope to have more chocolates soon.
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are his parent Dun and Blue based? don't know if its my monitor but he does not look platinum to me...looks like a leaking gold light blue

He is Platinum, the rooster he came from is Dun and the hen is Blue.

His color in person definitely is not Blue and you can very easily see the Chocolate color in his hackles and saddle.
are his parent Dun and Blue based? don't know if its my monitor but he does not look platinum to me...looks like a leaking gold light blue

He is Platinum, the rooster he came from is Dun and the hen is Blue.

His color in person definitely is not Blue and you can very easily see the Chocolate color in his hackles and saddle.

I am with Marvin. And the hackle color is "rust". Sorry.

Smoothmule, it must be a blue day and a few of the others are too dark/contrasty for chocolate. Interesting though...
He is Platinum, the rooster he came from is Dun and the hen is Blue.

His color in person definitely is not Blue and you can very easily see the Chocolate color in his hackles and saddle.

I am with Marvin. And the hackle color is "rust". Sorry.

Smoothmule, it must be a blue day and a few of the others are too dark/contrasty for chocolate. Interesting though...

So you don't think he is Platinum then?

He isn't any shade of Blue that I have ever seen before, I have several different breeds of chicken that are Blue and this cockerel does not look like one of them.

I know what leakage looks like too, the color that is being expressed in his hackles, saddle and back is too apparent IMO to be leakage.
I am with Marvin. And the hackle color is "rust". Sorry.

Smoothmule, it must be a blue day and a few of the others are too dark/contrasty for chocolate. Interesting though...

So you don't think he is Platinum then?

He isn't any shade of Blue that I have ever seen before, I have several different breeds of chicken that are Blue and this cockerel does not look like one of them.

I know what leakage looks like too, the color that is being expressed in his hackles, saddle and back is too apparent IMO to be leakage.

No. I agree with Nicalandia=Marvin.
Genetics 101


He appears to be blue and he carries gold. Normally in males the melanotic gene covers the red in the pyle zone due to the gold gene. In your case the melanotic is not doing this and the red is showing through and you get the reddish brown looking hackles etc. Your male is most likely heterozygous for the melanotic gene- he only carries one melanotic gene.

He is a handsome bird.

If he carried silver then the hackles ( pyle zone) would be a mixture of grayish/slate colors.

The dun gene and the blue gene working together would make the body a silver color. Both the dun gene and the blue gene dilute black so you would get a much lighter color on the body.

Birds that are dun only carry one dun allele and a wild type allele- when you crossed your dun sumatra with the blue sumatra the male in the picture did not receive the dun allele from the parent. The dun parent could only give a dun allele or a wild type allele to its offspring. So your male only has has the wild type alleles that are found at the dominant white locus.

Do the cross again and hatch a bunch of chicks and you will get platinum birds from the cross.

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No, he is not platinum. 99.9% sure.

What makes you so sure that he isn't?

Jeremy HENK69 is a genetics god. He NICLANDIA, Dan Honour, are a few of those, here on BYC, who very much know about genetics. Another is Krys. She and her husband also can tell you more. They have a Yahoo Orp group. She is very nice and IF you like to join I can give you a link. Just write me a PM IF YOUR INTERESTED.
If HENK says it isn't I would trust him. IF you like you can test breed and see. And then you will know for certain.

Here is my Dun Birchen. I had thought he is a Duckwing, but Nicalandia (Marvin) said he is a Birchen. I am happy to agree with Nicalandia.


That cockerel and one of these 3 pullets all come from BUSTOFF

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