Post your exotic/domestic duck aviary/pool pics

really awsome i looking forward to build a pen in the future
Finished my nest boxes yesterday and got some cedars in there. all were made very cheaply out of 4 gallon buckets





one hidden in an old christmas tree

one in the cedar
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Everything looks good Kansas. Good job. I like the bark on the buckets too. You may have to glue some hardware cloth (or the same bark as the outside) to the inside for the babies to get out as even though they can crawl straight up 6ft no problem. It may be too slick for them. I have a friend that uses buckets and this is how he fixed the problem. Hope you have lots of ducklings in the near future.
I kinda figured you already had something done
oh well there's another idea for you. That's what I have for my boxes also (hardware cloth) Have you built triangle boxes for your pintails yet?
Not yet, still haven't got all the christmas decorations put away and if i can pack em tighter and leave myself a box or two i was gonna do like Jamie and just cut a whole in em and disguise em with some branches and bark. I didn't take a picture of my new project but i'm in the process of building a multi purpose pen that will be my quarantine pen for my pintails that hopefully will come wednesday or thursday then after all's well i'm gonna switch them and my dominant mandarin pair so the others can get some relief. Then with a hopefully successful breeding season, after the ducklings get to big for the stock tanks there gonna be housed in there. I have all the wood for the sides and the door down and i have the concrete to make a pond with a drain in it (make it easier on myself) so hopefully i'll have it done by tomorrow.

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