Post your exotic/domestic duck aviary/pool pics


13 Years
Feb 7, 2010
South East Kansas
I know there is a lot of threads like this and i have searched and gone through a lot of them. But i would like to see some more people join in and some updated pictures of the old. I am in the slow process of building my own and would like to see everyone's set ups, Please, Thank you!
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Well, I don't have a big, elaborate aviary - I'm in college, living with my mom, so I've built all of my pens to be transportable, with the idea that when I get my own place, all I'll have to do is rent a BIG trailer, get a few strong guys to help me, and move all the duck pens with me!

Here's my favorite design so far - it still needed to be painted and shingled in the picture, and you can see that I hadn't hinged the little triangular door on yet. At this point, I HAVE painted it, but I still haven't shingled it - I just have two tarps to throw over the top when it rains. It's 8' long by 6' wide overall, and around 4' tall at the peak. So far, I've built two of these: one houses 6 Call ducks, and one houses 6 Bantam Cochin chickens, and I'm working on another that will house 4 Runner ducks.

The River 2 miles down the road from me is more fun than any pool

The concrete pool was a night mare getting done. Every time the guys started working on it, it would start raining. It was all hand mixed, poured, and formed. They got the bottom poured and had to wait a few days for it to set up so they could walk on it. Then it rained every afternoon for 2 weeks. I was ready to pull my hair out

Yes they are Chiloes. She is sterile or I have gotten to sterile drakes. She tries so hard. She will lay 2 clutches trying. This last time the drake stayed in the box with her but no babies
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I love your set-up HottentotTeal, it gives a lot of inspiration. But, in the town where I live, they wouldn't allow it so close to a house.

I like yours, too, Exoticduckluvr. It would be great for larger yards.
Here are a few more pics of some of our pens









Thought I would quit with that I took one or two in each pen, sorry about the water spots was kind of raining when I took them mostly breeder pens with one young bird pen.

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