Post your exotic/domestic duck aviary/pool pics

Destin- the only thing I have left at the house is a pair of Amherst and a ruddy shelduck male. Plus a hanful of domestics. The mergansers died on me , something got the ruddy hen...and I couldn't keep a pheasant chick alive for nothing. Hope things went better for you?

As far as pumps go its an Oiless sump pump form atwoods and I think I explained how I was filtering it on one of these pages.
I had about my regular hatchout on stuff .I did lose a couple dozen assorted babies due to a pen escape. Only one gosling hatchout but he lived.Not bad all in all.If my baikal eggs turn out fertile in a month Ill be real happy. I dont use any filtration on my pond
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nice thread! Im trying to come up with some ideas for a nicer area for my three ducks (soon to be 2.. only ones a girl
Right now I have a temporary mini chicken coop with a plastic baby pool inside Premier One portable netting..
soooo,i have completely fallen in love with ornamentals/wildfowl! the problem is that i will probably will be moving house in a year-2 years so i don't want to build an aviary because i will have to take it all down again when we move so i have to wait like 2 years!!! my patience is aweful.

anyway i have already planned it and i will se what your guys think.

so it will be about 16x60 and i was wondering how many birds i will be able to fit in there comfortably. i am looking at mandarins,wood ducks,teals,pintails,widgens and whistling ducks.

i would like to be able to sell some of the offspring. presumably that mean i need 2 pairs of each variety so i can sell unrelated pairs (male from one pairs clutch and female from the others.)

what do you think of this plan? i am aware i may not be able have all these breeds but yeh.... your verdict will decide!
Or you could make a small one now that could easily be taken apart and moved later and Then you could build new or add on later. I'm using a green house frame now to rehab a kestrel and works great. It could easily be unbolted and moved far as your other questions I'll have to answer tomorrow when I'm more awake (2:24 am here)
we don't really have enough space in our current property,good idea though and i hoe your kestrel does well!

no problem about answering the other questions tomorrow!

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