Post your exotic/domestic duck aviary/pool pics

A month and 14 days later this is where i am at.
I would have taken more pictures with progress but the pen literally went from a few poles in the ground to this in a matter of three days.
I hope i get my other second door made and the pen divided and finished by this weekend. Then if i have money left i am thinking of getting a pond liner.



Well i've got the front tin/wire on and both doors on, with wire on the door on the left. So i still have to put wire on the other door and put the latches on and i will be "done" at least structure wise. i'm still working on landscaping and went and bought a soft pond liner and pump at lowes today and am in the long drawn out process of HAND digging a whole that is good size but in the end my ducks will be spoiled. Its a 13x10 liner that will eventually be 6x9 pond that is 18'' deep. I also got a big enough pump that has enough force for a good size waterfall. Needless to say, i'm gonna be sore in the morning form all the digging. Pics in the morning to.
Wow, you guys have some gorgeous walk-in pens. I want to build some like that. I notice though that you have far less support for the snow load than what we use in our pens. Have you used these pens in the winter yet? I wonder if it will be adequate or if ours are overkill? We did have a couple pens collapse last year though that were even more supported than some I am seeing here (luckily no birds lost). They were 4 x 14 foot cages made out of 1 x 2 inch x 4 foot tall welded wire held together by cage rings (which held together despite the collapse). The roofs were the same wire and supported by iron fence posts up the sides every couple feet and 2 x 4's inside holding up the roofs.

Anyway, it concerns me in looking at how to design our newer pens, but I see other people with pens with far less support. We got more snow than normal last year, but still we typically get less snow than other parts of the country and it stays so warm and sunny here that the snow is gone in a matter of a couple days. We did also use tarps over part of the roofs, but the tarps had holes about 6 inches diameter to allow snow/water to drain through and the cages didn't collapse right where the tarps were, so I am not sure that contributed much (although obviously some).
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I have wire connected to my side 4x4s that then brought up by 2 4x4s in the middle, some what like a circus tent. I think for the most part that when the snow comes it will pass right through the net but when the usual ice storms hit around here i might be in trouble. I plan on, maybe, getting a good size tarp or tarps to throw over the top to allow me to go out, tap on the tarp and let the snow slide off.

I know this is gonna sound bad, but i will have to upload pictures later tonight because i didn't work on it this morning because i forgot today was opening day of duck season in kansas.
So maybe tonight i can get pictures on here.
ok, well I got everything finished, pond liner in, pump running, water spout going, right I feel like somethings missing..... I'll figure it out sooner or later.

Look at all the dirt. Remember i hand dug every single 4x4 hole and the 9x6x18'' pond. And just for comparison that black role of pvc coated wire is 5ft long and a ft wide.


the gigantic whole

The poles and wire, I know have some old rinsed out oil jugs on the top of the 4x4s to keep them from snagging


pic before doors were finished and the hole was dug.


Monday i will upload pictures of the finished product and the (hopefully) happy ducks.
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haha. Tell you what as far as i'm concerned i have gained at least a few pounds muscle wise. My hands have blistered and callused over and over.
All in all i'm proud of the pen and the job i did and would like to have more like it for more birds. But i'm just plain tuckered out.

But of course i say that now and next year i will be wanting to make another one.
and yes the tin is a my site barrier. The net was free and the tin was free which was a good deal considering how much the two now a days. i got both from two different pheasant and quail bird farms and another farmer tried to give me the pvc coated wire but it didn't quite make it around the entire pen and was all bent out of shaped and was hard to fit around the posts. plus it was only 4ft tall and the stuff i bought was 5.
The barrier keeps predators from looking in and seeing the birds. it also (i think) makes the birds feel safer compared to and open pen that they can see out of. also allows me (since its pretty tall) to get close without them spooking. I will still go back and bury some chicken wire to prevent digging tho.
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