Post your exotic/domestic duck aviary/pool pics

how wide/long do you keep each pond? and any chance of some more pictures of your pens, there always appreciated.
Well if your girl is a domestic, i would recommend getting another like her. I have heard from many experienced people that your not supposed to house the domestics with ornamentals for various reasons.

General information can be found on mallard lane farms website

other questions can be answered on the migratory/ornamental waterfowl thread here

will be my first year with them so i don't have that much experience as far house breeding and raising goes. I bought them as adults at an auction a while back.
They eat the regular purina flock raiser with added chickens scratch or crack corn (just for winter to add fat) and as long as your winters aren't in the negatives they should handle it fine as long as they have protection from the wind (i guess they can be considered a tropical duck? but can handle some colder weather)
Why do most of you have your aviary floors dirt? I mean i got one ducky and she runs out and eats grass. I know they eat it down so far that it never grows back but I normally just move them out of a section and plant some grass seed. Or do they just enjoy the pool more than the grass
well the area where mine was had grass and weeds but it was destroyed during "construction" of the aviary. Sooner or later i will get some pea gravel or something to put around the pond and plant something else around it.
If you haven't already looked at the other thread i replied back to you regarding keeping them with domestics. If you look at the migratory/ornamental waterfowl thread at page 8 post # 78 covers the reasons you shouldn't house them together.

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