Post your exotic/domestic duck aviary/pool pics

Actually the place your magellans are coming from has a pond with a waterfall and filter. They said the waterfall is ran by a sand filter just like a pool. The pond is good size to 4ft deep and real wide/long.

i would really like to try a set up like this where the water is gravity fed to the filter before the pump that way it doesn't clog that often and then using a float valve to prevent overheating if water flow is restricted.
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Thats why I was telling FlChickens it will help to put the pick up mid way. Truly the whole thing about duck water is do you want it clean by filtration and clean the filtering medium or do you want to clean it by changing the water itself and for most it is just easier to pump out the water. Plus the bioload is tremendous and overwhelms the balance anyway. Even though the goal IS clearwater short of having a minature sewer treatment plant it may look clear but what it is composed of well lets just say I dont want my ducks to drink it and filter that through their systems. Lets face it they are poop machines not too mention the dirt they bring in.
i swear my pond is 3ft shallower than it was last year...

If it wasn't such a huge task to even think about (and if money wasn't an object) it would be nice to have a biological filter with plants to remove all the nitrogen etc. from the water. But even then i doubt it would be able to keep up.... Now if only lived on property with a spring fed creek.......
ME too. at least I have a downhill slope when I ever I do build my pond (stuff keeps popping up I swear)
Magellan pics in their new home tommorrow.
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I think I will challenge my son to design a set up to help move/filter duck pond water. He is a math science major, and competes using solar and robots at his Jr/sr high school. He built me a solar powered heat lamp recently, wants to solar power a gate opener with remote so if he is helping haul things to the coop he can open and close the gate to the run on his own.

Since he likes challenges and is building a filter system to remove salt from water right now he might find this problem fun to work with. Oh and he is turning 13 this summer (love my young genius)
Hi Shellie, can't wait to see pics of your avairy when it's done...and the boys of course!

I miss them already
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We have tried about every kind off filtration I have heard of and found the best way to keep the ponds clean is shallow ponds and moving water. We have a300 gallon holding tank with a float switch filled by a shallow well pump the water then is gravity fed to the concrete ponds, the ponds are about 8-10 inches deep. They stay pretty clean for about 6-8 weeks at a time. The only problem with this is you need a place for all the water to go we dug about a thirty foot diameter "pond" where the dirty water soaks away. This also keeps the ponds open in the winter here in Michigan and is not to costly, much cheaper than pond heaters in the winter. All the filtration systems we tried would plug up very quickly unless you only keep a very few birds.

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