Post your exotic/domestic duck aviary/pool pics

With the Foxglove blooming thought I would post this pic, Common Eiders on a small pond.

I love the Eider and so badly want a pair!! working on getting my avairy going good with lots of shade and new well to pump more cold water in!!

Then to build another avairy just for the dabblers/teal so I can have 2 aviaries.. one for divers and one for dabblers.. Yeah I have a duck problem!
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Hi, i just joined the site today after seeing all the ponds and setups i couldnt resist. Thought i would share my own set-up with everyone.

I dont know how you get photos up on this yet but my website is and theres photos on there.


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The 4" pipe you can see in the picture is the drain it unscrews and the pipe runs under ground out of the pen where it just soaks away.
I posted this on the migratory duck thread, but id figure id post them here.

My avairy is almost done and all I need is to finish up the netting. Its 25X26 and 10ft high.
Thanks, starting to look good, still has some grass and stuff in there too.

We actually had to regrow the grass, cause thats were my peafowl were, and over time it became a mud hole. Then we planted 2 pine trees , some pamas grass, and a forsitha(sp?) bush. Next year it should be grown over pretty well hopefully.

Forget tom mention, on the border where the pen is open is going to be a privacy fence, to keep some alge down.
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Ya the privacy fence is a good idea, anything you can do like shade cloth to reduce the algae. Its getting dark here and i'm still working outside draining my pond because i had 2 algae blooms within the past 3 days and somehow a bullfrog took residence in it. Don't know how he even got in the pen but it was the last staw, i had to clean it.

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