Post your exotic/domestic duck aviary/pool pics

My 6x1 galvanized stock tank finally came in. This was a bit more expensive than some other pools I've seen in this thread, but I felt the durability was worth it.


My dog gets really excited around running water for some reason...
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I saw one of those at the feed store but they were a bit pricey but worth EVERY DOLLAR. How do they get out of it? Are those stepping stones/bricks inside for them to step on to get out? If so, that is a cool idea. I am impressed.
Thanks! Yeah it's really easy to clean. That hose laying next to it is just a short piece I use to siphon the water out, then I just tip it on end and spray it down.
Thanks! Yes those are cinder blocks on the inside I have arranged to be stepping stones so they can get out. It's funny watching them walk up/down them.
right now I am using a swimming pool filter with a bileage pump. it does so so, but i am having to drain it about every 6 days. any suggestions are welcome please!!

I haven't had time to experiment with the idea but LaMike has a system that works and it is basically using a large skimmer to catch feathers and leaves (big enough it doesn't get clogged) then a swimming pool sand filter and also maybe a pond dye or algaecide thats safe for koi/ducks/livestock. Live plants that is safe for ducks to consume but can withstand the torture also help reduce the amount of nitrogen and ammonia in the water.
right now I am using a swimming pool filter with a bileage pump. it does so so, but i am having to drain it about every 6 days. any suggestions are welcome please!!

I haven't had time to experiment with the idea but LaMike has a system that works and it is basically using a large skimmer to catch feathers and leaves (big enough it doesn't get clogged) then a swimming pool sand filter and also maybe a pond dye or algaecide thats safe for koi/ducks/livestock. Live plants that is safe for ducks to consume but can withstand the torture also help reduce the amount of nitrogen and ammonia in the water.

Thanks I will check out the water plants. Sorry I didnt see your reply till now. appreciate all the help and advice...
Hi! I'm going to have a pair of calls soon and was wondering if my pen is good enough to house them comfortably? I think it's 4' by 10', and is devided into 2 parts right now.

It's no longer full of sticks and stuff, is covered with a blanket for shade, and has a board screwed on each side to keep small baby birds from escaping. I will remove the center wire to open it up into one big pen instead of two little ones. The back door will be removed and wired over because it's not quite as secure as I would like it to be
. Their pool will be right in front of where the back door was. It'll be buried slightly and surrounded by big rocks. The rest of the pen will be sand and pebbles. Do you know of any good, sturdy plants that I could furnish the pen with? Let, me know what you think!

* Photo deleted per OP's request *
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Personally, I would swap the chicken wire for hard ware cloth. Chicken wire won't stop any predator from getting to your new call ducks. Raccoons can pull them through the chicken wire bit by bit, or pull the wire apart to get into the pen. As far as size, it is similar in size and shape as many breeding pen set ups others have posted pictures of in the past. Mst of the breeding pens (ours included) are raised off of the ground on legs of some type. (4x4" post).

Enjoy your call ducks, they are funny and a joy to have.

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